Chapter 17

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I was just beginning to go on the catwalk when I heard someone yelling. That was very unusual because you don't get that kind of cheering on a fashion show, let alone in High Couture. So, while being wonder woman walking on the catwalk, I also tried to see from where it was coming. It was not until I stopped right in front of our stage show with my face being inundated by flashes that I managed to spot James in the audience. My heart skipped a beat right there, and I almost unbalanced on the damn high heel shoes I was wearing on my feet. Still, I managed to hold my pose and pretended nothing happened and continue to do my job the best way I could. While posing right at the front and flashes being thrown in my face while photographers took pictures of the latest collection, my thoughts were running wild and my eyes were set on him. That, I could not avoid. His smile froze me in place and his blue eyes washed away whatever hell was playing in my mind that very moment.

I could not believe he was there. I couldn't believe he had come just to see me at a fashion show. Can you imagine James in a fashion show? Me neither. I would never think he'd do something like that, but there he was. The floor had been ripped off my feet that very instant. And it kept being ripped every time I had to stop at the front while showing off clothes. The show took about forty minutes to finish and I could imagine how bored James was while seeing women walking around showing clothes, but I thought it was really sweet that he took his time to surprise me and was there because of me. I was so blown away by his gesture, that I was having a hard time keeping my bubbling heart in place. When it was finally over, I ran backstage and changed to my clothes in a hurry so I could meet him. Nothing else mattered but him and I was missing him like crazy. I changed to my regular clothes and went back outside at the speed of light. I spotted him waiting quietly at a corner all alone, maybe trying not to be noticed. I smiled at such realization, but then I ran to him, smiling like a fool.

"James!" I whispered while jumping to his arms. "What are you doing here?" I asked kissing him over and over and over again.

"Lea..." He gasped while receiving all the pecks I was planting on his lips.

Then, I inhaled his scent trying to undo the days I had been without him. It seemed almost unrealistic the moment I was living. To think that it had crossed my mind he would never talk to me again or remember me and every day he proved me wrong. He was being so unbelievable reliable and sweet, it all seemed so unreal and yet everything felt so right. It seemed like all the stars had aligned. The universe had closed a circle.

"I am so glad that you're here." I whispered while holding onto to him closely.

"I wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry I cheered at the show." He smiled. "It was a bit embarrassing, since everyone gave me the "shut the fuck up" look."

"It was sweet." I laughed quietly and then I pulled away to see his face properly.

"Still a bit embarrassing..." He smiled. I laughed hearing him and absorbing all the traces of his smiling face. "You looked so beautiful..."

"I don't care... you could have come in here naked and I wouldn't give a shit." I said looking at him absolutely mesmerized. "But how did you get in? You need an invitation." I asked him.

"Your agent got me one." He said with a grin on his face, pulling the pass he had hung around his chest at the level of my eyes. "It's not only me that can give you free passes, uh?" He made fun of me. "Seems like someone else lives off these backstage passes too."

He looked so cute. Too cute to describe it and I was in an awe for that man. I don't think it crossed his mind at the time how he just owned me completely. He absolutely owned me and owned my entire heart. James was the master of my soul.

"He knew?" I asked. "I knew he was weird today." I kissed him again. "I missed you so much." I breathed against his lips. "I was really missing you..." I said again and pecked him one more time, not caring if I was showing how needy I had been during the period we had been apart.

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