Chapter 44

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When the food arrived later, James helped me getting everything ready to receive the guests. Meanwhile, Lars and Kirk arrived too, but they went for a shower before joining us. The table was set. The food was in the oven so it would be warm when Lil and Gary got there. James turned the TV on and Fuel was playing. Joking, he started impersonating himself, and I laughed when he started playing air guitar and singing, giving me all the evil faces, he does when he is on stage.

"Stop that! You're turning me on." I laughed.

"Am I?" He asked with an eyebrow raised and a cocky smile across his lips.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Come here..." He said.

Though I tried to pull away, he managed to grab me by my waist and pulled me to him, and started playing guitar on my back, rocking me around and singing. I was laughing so much at that point because his fingers were tickling me.

"Gimme fuel, gimme desire..." James went on and then gave me a small bite on my neck before letting me go.

"Stop it!" I asked him.

I was laughing so much. Seeing him impersonating himself was hilarious. I had learned to distinguish the two personalities of him. There was James Hetfield the rock star and James the regular guy and they could not be compared to one another. TV was broadcasting a Metallica special and they played a version of Whiplash after. I started to rock out immediately as this is one of my favorite songs. It was my time to make him laugh by impersonating all his gestures. Not resisting it, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me gently on the lips, putting an ending to my show.

"I love a chick that can rock." He said, smiling against my lips.

"And I love a guy who can pull out all the evil faces you can." I said, running the tip of my tongue over his lips.

"You do?" He gasped and I nodded.

With his hands on my butt, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we shared a long kiss after. We were so deep into our own thing that we didn't hear anyone arriving in the living room.

"I can't believe what my eyes are seeing." Lars said loud.

I opened my eyes to look at him but didn't let go of James lips right away. I let go of James's waist though, and then finally breaking the kiss.

"Danish, do you want to kill me of a heart attack?" I asked him.

"What's the matter?" Kirk asked arriving at the living room.

"These two were making out promiscuously here in front of everyone." Lars clarified Kirk.

"It was not in front of everyone. "James corrected him. "We were here alone." He said sitting on the couch.

"Uh..." Kirk dismissed it completely. "I thought I was going to hear some news."

Meanwhile I heard the doorbell, so I knew Gary and Lil had arrived. I ran to the door excited to have them there. I wasn't wrong. When I opened it, I found my favorite couple on Earth outside.

"Here you are... I missed you two these days." I said kissing them both.

"Liar." Lil hushed in my ear and I raised an eyebrow to her.

"It's true!" I claimed.

"How have you been?" Gary asked me.

"I'm alright." I said, guiding them to the living room.

They greeted everyone in the room and I ordered everyone to the table right away. Dinner was fantastic. I was happy to have such great friends and especially James with me that moment. I was a happy woman looking at the table. Amused people talking, telling jokes, and picking on me because I wasn't eating enough. My heart just beat a bit faster when I looked at James and remembered that we could have our little child there with us. That would be perfect and he would be married to me of course. Noticing my sudden sad look, he tapped my hand with a questioning look. I smiled at him and shook my head assuring him that I was fine.

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