Chapter 4

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I woke up in the morning to the sound of my phone ringing and I can't think of a more awful, way to be yanked of your sleep than this. As the sound rang loud right by the side of my head, I frowned and whimpered, and I stretched my body to shake the sleep away and just after all that I reached for the phone with my eyes still closed. I felt exhausted and I didn't want to go anywhere. Much less to work. How I hated that work... How I wanted out... How I hated to be known... I hated everything... I wanted to be just the regular 21-year-old and I was not one. I had so many conflicting feelings regarding modelling...

"Hello" I answered, feeling sleepy and rubbing my eyes to try to open them.

"Are you still sleeping?" I heard a masculine voice almost yelling at me.

My eyes flew opened right there as I recognized the voice of my agent and I immediately looked at the time. I was late... I took a deep breath at my realization but didn't panic.

"You have 30 minutes to be down here young lady!" Jorge said on the other side.

I could tell he was angry, but I didn't care. I couldn't care less about his rants. All I wanted was peace and quiet so I just tried to remain calm.

"I'll be there." I said and just hung up on his face because I didn't want to hear more. "Shit!" I muttered and rolled on the bed to get on my feet. "I don't want to..." I buried my face on my pillow pretending I was crying, but eventually I had to face up life and I got out of the bed.

I had another day to go. I just wanted to get it all done and go back my house, my solace, my haven. I needed my solace by the sea and not all that fake glamour of catalogues, catwalks, and magazines. I hated all that.

"Fuck..." I muttered dissatisfied while entering the bathroom.

I went straight to the shower and let the water run over my face. I remember I stayed there quietly letting the water do its therapeutic job while falling down on me. Thoughts about the previous night and James assaulted my mind and I smiled tenderly. I had a great time. He was really adorable and somehow charming. I liked his company. I was not going to deny it and besides that, I felt physically attracted to him. With these thoughts in my head, I got out of the shower, got dried and then put on a pair of jeans and a tank top. I would change soon anyway so I didn't give my outfit much thought.

Meanwhile, room service arrived with my breakfast. I had a toast and some coffee. This little detail made me laugh to myself because I could hear Jorge saying, "coffee is bad for your skin and teeth" and I didn't care at all. I couldn't care less. I'd do what I wanted, and I'd have what I liked. No one dictated the rules for me, even though I had to pretend quite often they did. Modelling could be so dull and predictable that sometimes I wanted to quit sooner than when I decided I would do so. After I've finished breakfast, I brushed my teeth and got out of the suite as quickly as I could. At the hallway, I headed to the elevators and pushed the button and as the doors opened, James appeared inside the elevator. He looked a bit sleepy, his eyes still a bit swollen but he looked gorgeous and I felt a little nervous in his presence. A different type of nervousness, probably because I secretly knew I had been thinking about him just a while before our encounter.

"Good morning." He greeted me with his remarkable smile "Sleep well?" He asked and I couldn't get over his really sweet puffy eyes.

"I did, you?" I asked and at the same time my heart started pounding.

"What the hell?" I thought to myself, feeling a bit uncomfortable with my reaction. That was not supposed to happen. Where was the relaxation of the previous day? Why was I nervous? He was just a guy...

"Me too. I'm running late for some interviews; Lars is about to kill me now." He laughed loud and ran a hand through his wet hair.

That man... I was mesmerized with freshly showered morning James and my heart kept skipping beat after beat after beat.

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