Chapter 16

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Lil was the greatest friend someone could have. We had known each other since we were kids. We grew up together and we shared everything with one another. We knew things about each other no one else knew, not even our parents... especially our parents. She had always been there for me when I needed her, and I've always tried to do the same. Though sometimes with my crazy schedules, and not being able to be at home all the time, it was harder for me to do so, but when I could, she could count on me to bury a body if needed. We were such great friends, that when I moved to Barcelona, she applied to the university there so we could be alone in a town rather far from our birth place. Our adventures were endless. Memories that I keep dearly in my heart and that I absurdly missed. I miss her... I miss her so.

The day James left, she stayed to have lunch with me and told me about her little adventure with Mike, the guy in the crew and after a while I was laughing with her. She had that healing power. She had the gift to light up my mood with her rants. She was such an amazing friend and human being. Obviously, James was in my mind the entire time, but life had to go on and I had to try and trust him just like she had advised me and like I knew I should.

After lunch, the time for my last photoshoot at the hotel arrived, so I joined Jorge and António to work. I was even glad I was leaving that place for it brought all memories of the last days so alive, but then so would my house and it had been there that he told me he was in love with me. That had to be the best and biggest memory of all. Still, my shelter was the best place to be and I couldn't wait to go back there and still feel James's scent in it. I was sure the moment I'd walk inside my house and close the door, I would still feel his presence vividly. Until then, I had to cope with Jorge and his insinuations.

"So, is the singer gone?" Jorge asked me, trying to form a conversation, but I hated the way he addressed to him.

"He is and stop calling him like that." I told him raising my voice noticeably annoyed with his lack of respect. "He has a name! Why do you refer to him like that... like he is a thing?"

"I'm sorry." He replied, seeing I was serious and raising a peace sign. "I am trying to cheer you up." Jorge added.

I ignored his last remark. Cheering me up by impersonally speaking about someone I clearly liked. Jorge had some strange ways...

"Jorge..." I started to prepare him for my decision. "... after these fashions shows I have to do in the next weeks, don't book anything for me. I'm taking a break." I decided to inform him right away.

I was being cold and fast I knew that, but it had to be done that way. Without many explanations. I didn't owe him any explanations. I had all the right to take a break. For some time, I put my career, that I hated by the way, above everything. This time, I didn't want anything to come in between us. I wanted out for a while. I wanted out forever if I could, but just a while would do wonders for me already.

"A break?" He asked, curling an eyebrow. His eyes goggling. "How long?" He looked me in the eyes. "Lea... what are you talking about? How long will this break be?"

"Two months." I lowered my tone and my eyes, this time somehow afraid of his reaction.

"Leandra! That's too long!" He exclaimed but I didn't care about anything.

I had made a promise to someone and I intended to keep that promise. I had promised James I was going to be with him, and I was going to be with him either way. My heart was decided to embark on that ship and sail to unknown waters.

"I don't care." I faced him. "I'm traveling and I won't be available to work." I said coldly, and not wanting to tell him that I was going to be with James.

I didn't want to tell Jorge anything yet. If I knew him, he would make news of our decision and I wanted privacy and I was sure James preferred it that way too.

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