Chapter 49

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The wind was blowing quite strong. A gust whistling on the window. I slid of the bed gently and peeped on the window. The day was ugly. The sky was dark grey. I could see the trees on the street I lived wagging. People were wearing long coats and gloves. Some wore hats. I could tell from people's expression that it was freezing outside. I looked at the sky again and I thought we were about to have a thunder storm. I saw a light crossing the sky and the clap of the thunder right after made me cringe. It was a cold day in New Yok and probably a rainy one too. All of a sudden, my alarm clock went off. With the rush of the previous night, I had forgotten to unset it.

"Good Morning New York!" The guy on the radio almost yelled in jolly voice. "It's 8.30 am and snow is expected today." He continued to inform about the weather.

"Fuck... Lea, turn that thing off!" James muttered, covering his head with my pillow.

"I'm sorry. I forgot to turn the alarm off yesterday." I said, pressing the set button and sliding back inside the bed.

"It's 8.30!" He grunted again. "It's still so early what are you doing?" He asked, wrapping his arm around my waist, his eyes still closed.

"I was looking at the window." I told him. "The day is terrible and it seems to be really cold. Go back to sleep. I'll try to sleep a bit more too." I said, snuggling against him and then realized he was back to sleep again. "James?" I asked just to be sure, but he was sleeping.

I smiled at the fact that he fell asleep like 30 seconds later. Probably he didn't even hear my last sentence. I ran my fingertips over his hair, watching his figure while he was lost in dreamland and I could not believe that he was there with me. This time free. He was mine, and I could not believe it. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth of his body against mine, so sure that nothing felt that good first thing in the morning. I felt so comfortable, especially when I was hearing the thunder outside. They had announced snow but I could bet that we were going to have rain first. I was glad I didn't have to go out on a day like that, and the whole stormy scenario was perfect to have him there with me.

I woke up three hours later. James was slightly snoring in my ear so I hit him softly with my elbow to make him stop. It didn't last a minute until he started again, which made me giggle. Yep... he snores people! I then decided to take a look outside. To my amazement, snow was falling down. I was a Barcelona girl. It never snows there, not even in Madrid where I was born and raised. So, I was amazed with the beauty of snowflakes falling from the sky. It sure was a nice view. Small snowflakes falling down, and landing on the trees, and on the streets, covering the city with a white blanket that looked beyond beautiful. Kids were playing outside amused, looking up like trying to catch the flakes with their mouths. I smiled.

After a while, I decided to leave the window and get ready. So, I went to the other bathroom and had a shower, a long one. I spent some time enjoying the water falling down my body. The bathroom was filed with a blur of the hot water running after such a long bath. I put some body lotion after and got back to the bedroom to get dressed. As it was a bit dark inside and I couldn't choose what to wear properly, I just put on my robe and tied it up. I rolled a cover I had near my sofa in the living room over me and went outside to my balcony. Just as I expected, it was really cold. So cold that I felt my body freezing inside as I took the first breath. I felt my nose freezing, so I covered it with the blanket leaving just my eyes uncovered. I stayed there for a while until I heard my cell vibrating.

"Hey Lil." I said as I answered it.

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked.

"Nothing, I just got up. I was at the balcony watching the streets." I told her looking around the view over Manhattan.

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