Chapter 81

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I opened my eyes slowly but it was a bit hard to focus. Everything was so bright it seemed to hurt my eyes. When I could finally focus, I realized that it was the sun coming from a window that was blinding me. I looked around and perceived I was in a hospital. I had a bunch of tubes sticking in my arm, and finally when I looked down at my bed I saw my father sat on a couch reading a newspaper. I was confused...

"Dad." I called. My father put the paper down, looked at me and smiled.

"I should kick your ass for scaring all of us." He got up and kissed my forehead. "How are you feeling?" He asked right after.

"Where's James?" I asked him back not bothering to answer his question. He was my main concern that moment.

"James is at home with your mother. He almost ended up in one of these beds too. He didn't want to eat or sleep. He spent a lot of time here with you just holding your hand. If I still had any doubts about his feelings, he proved me wrong. He really loves you, Lea. We managed to take him home and make him rest."

"How long have I been here?" I asked him, as I was so bewildered.

"Three days..." My father breathed. "You had a nervous collapse. Your system simply shut down, and then the doctors thought it was good to keep you sleeping for a while." My father explained.

"For a while?" I asked him even more confused. "It's been three days. We were supposed to go back to San Francisco today." I said remembering our plans.

"I know, but James cancelled everything."

"How is he?" I was even more concerned. I didn't feel like being away for three days, for I still felt like I was at Lil's funeral.

"He's doing alright now. Don't worry. He just went to have a good night sleep, and he'll be here soon. I almost had to kick his ass to get him out of here." My father smiled in the end.

I laughed softly. My father could be funny. I was feeling awful though. I was thirsty and even a bit hungry, and I must have had a terrible look.

"Dad, can I have some water and something to eat?" I asked him.

"I'll go see if I can get you something. I have to talk to the doctor first." He kissed my forehead and then left.

After a while, he came back with one who released me from all the tubes that were carved in my arm and said he was going to ask for the nurse to bring me breakfast. He then made some tests and examinations and announced I had to stay one more day for observation but I would be free the next day. The nurse brought me some toasts, milk, and some tea. I didn't eat much but I felt more comfortable after it. I also asked for some water and drunk two glasses in a row, and then I asked if I could take a shower. Two nurses came to help me. I leaned in them while they guided me to the shower. I felt a bit weak, but I think I could have walked by myself.

Showering was revival. I took a long time under the water. That's when all my thoughts began to come back: Lil, the funeral, James holding me... I shook the thoughts away. I wanted to be brave and to go on with my life. I didn't want to spread sadness and concern to those I loved. I wanted to make them happy, and no matter how sad and hurt I was, I was determined to cheer up and keep it going. I bet all the medicines and three entire days of sleeping helped. I was exhausted, that was for sure. When I entered my room, I had a wonderful surprise. James was already there, sitting on the couch with my father but jumped out of it as soon as he saw me. He walked towards me smiling and held me really tight and close. His embrace felt amazingly good. It was the most amazing feeling ever. I could have stayed like that forever.

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