Chapter 46

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I woke up in the morning feeling extremely relaxed and I looked at the clock I read 11.30 am. We sure have slept a lot. Then, I smelled coffee and pancakes which really surprised me. Nevertheless, I looked at James completely passed out in his sleeping who was much more important than any great smell coming from the kitchen. I smiled and kissed him softly and slid out of bed gently not to wake him up. I put on my robe and left the bedroom and went to the kitchen from where the smell of food was more intense. When I got there, Kirk was taking care of the breakfast. Coffee was made and he was finishing the pancakes.

"Good morning. Now I know why it smelled so good in my bedroom." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, looking at me and flipping a pancake at the same time.

"Yes I am. I'm starving in fact." I told him.

I could not believe I was using the word "starving". It was probably the first time in months.

"Starving and in excellent mood." He acknowledged.

"Let's just say that I have some great news." I said, sounding mysterious.

"Wanna tell me about it? Now I'm curious." He said, leaning against the counter.

"After my shower." I said, walking away.

"But hurry up, I'm almost finished here." He warned me.

"Ok. I won't take long."

I walked back inside the room tip toeing. I chose some clothes and head out to the other bathroom instead of using the one in my bedroom. The noise of the shower would awake James and he was sleeping so peacefully that I wanted him to rest. Once I was ready, I got back to the kitchen where Lars was already attacking the pancakes. They were both sitting at the table and everything was ready. I kissed Lars as I passed by him and sat at my place too.

"So, what news do you have? Kirk asked while I bit a pancake and poured a cup of coffee.

"Wow..." I giggled. "Kirk, you don't even let me eat!"

"What news?" Lars asked.

"Well, she told me she might have some news. I want to know what it is." Kirk explained.

"I'm going to San Francisco." I said really quickly.

"Was that the news?" Lars rolled his eyes. "Honey I think you might consider stopping your drugs. We know that! We settled everything yesterday." He thought I was referring to my visit trip.

"No..." I shook my head. "I was going to visit you guys. What I mean is, I'm moving to San Francisco in three weeks." I explained better.

They looked at me totally surprised. Their eyes wide open. Their mouths opened.

"Explain yourself." Kirk curled an eyebrow

"Well, James asked me to go with him and said yes." I put things really simple.

"And Fran?" Lars asked.

"He's leaving her." I said. "We're moving in together. He said it was our time now."

"Where's the fucking champagne? We need to celebrate this." Lars said getting up.

"Lars I think coffee, pancakes and champagne is not a good match." I laughed.

"Wow." Kirk said. "I am amazed, really... and happy for you. Finally, you guys have made the right decision."

"Yeah, I think so too but what made him take that decision? I mean, he was so into give the baby a family and all of a sudden..." Lars started babbling.

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