Chapter 59

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My mother and I got dinner ready in over an hour. James and my father didn't leave the living room. We could hear them talking and I could only hope they didn't spend their time talking about cars but then I knew James's passion for it so it would be possible that they did. That's the first reason why we got ourselves a garage, not only could we park our cars there, but there was also enough space for him to work on his cars, among other things. James loves carving wood. He loves anything that concerns crafting. Anything that keeps his mind occupied and away from the world sometimes. He needed such space.

While cooking dinner, we talked about random stuff in life. Mom saw Lil' in Madrid as she went to spend Christmas there with her family. I also talked to her about the possibility of quitting modeling forever. Until then, I had never said this to anyone not even James, but I wanted to achieve med school so much that I was thinking about dropping modeling just to dedicate my entire time to my studies. My mother was right about one thing though, I should wait to make that decision until I got the results of the test. It was legitimate that I wanted to dedicate my time to it, but I should be sure I got in the school first before quitting thriving my career.

I set the table in the living room. I took a glance at James now and then while getting it ready, and I saw him looking at me too and he smiled. My father glanced at both of us trying to figure out our thoughts, maybe. Sometimes, James and I communicated without saying words. I knew what he was saying just by the way he smiled or the look in his eyes. He could do the same thing with me. I finally called them to join us at the table as dinner was ready.

James sat by my side and my parents sat in front of us. My father was delighted with my meat loaf with mashed potatoes and found the wine very good too. James explained it was from Napa, and that the region was known from its famous wines. My father brought the delicate subjects during dinner as I thought we would. He was just finding the right opportunity to spit the questions he had and to clarify all doubts he had but he wasn't rude or arrogant. He talked slowly and calm so this made it a bit easier for James. As soon as my father made the first question, I knew James was about go through some tough experience but I also knew he was ready for it. He prepared himself for this confrontation since I told him my parents were coming to spend Christmas with us.

"James, now that we are alone... I mean it's just the four of us. I think we can talk a little bit about your relationship with my daughter." My father said, looking straight at James. James moved in his chair uncomfortably first, but nodded, so my father kept on talking. "You left her a couple of years ago. She was devastated and she was pregnant." He went straight to the most delicate point.

"Sir, I didn't leave her..." James shook his head. "What happen was a terrible misunderstanding and I didn't know Lea was pregnant. I would have never leave her! Only God knows how much I tried to reach her but she left to London and she always refused to talk to me. Until we met again this year at the MTV Video music awards." He explained.

I was proud. He didn't stutter. His voice didn't fail. He was brave. I grabbed James's hand under the table to give him some support. My mother winked at me supporting me. The conversation was awkward, but I knew my father needed to get those things out of his chest to move on.

"Dad." I said, still hand in hand with James. "What happened back then was what I already told you. I never told James that I was pregnant. He didn't know and we had a person lying to both of us and as I didn't let him talk to me, we never really clarified the truth."

"But he was living with that woman and she's expecting a child. Do you know how weird it is to me to see my daughter sharing a house with a supposedly married man? It's hard for me to approve this and this is not just directed to him, it's directed to you too; you should have never allowed this." He pointed his finger at me.

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