Chapter 55

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A month flew away quite fast. We were in middle of December and we were moving to the new house. Everything went just like we had planned and we were moving there before Christmas. I had such a hard job packing most of our stuff and taking care of the decoration. Even though we had hired a decorator, I had to go through all the details with her. You know, if you want it your way, then you better keep an eye on it. It was bit colder in San Francisco and it had been raining a lot these last days but they say it rains a lot between December and February. Still, nothing compared to the cold in New York. Lil had told me it was beyond reasonable in there. She had finally convinced Gary to move up here so, before the baby was born, they would be near me again. I couldn't be happier that Gary decided to give his project a chance.

By then, I could finally drive around here. I had my license and that was much faster than I thought. I bought a car, a Land Cruiser. James wanted me to buy a Chevrolet but this one was more my type. I knew how to drive around by then and I could get to our new house, to Kirk's, Lars's, to the studio and a couple of other places. It's obvious the more I drove, the more I learned and I was almost independent which I loved above all.

James was in the studio. They were recording an album. That time it was only covers; it was going to be a double CD. The second was going be a compilation of the covers they had made until then, and the first disc was going to be filled with new covers. I had heard a few and it sounded great.

Francesca was still being... well, herself. What can I say? We didn't know anything about the baby. We assumed everything was well though. We had bumped into her the other day at the supermarket. She looked shocked to see me and I couldn't pretend I wasn't shocked myself. We ignored each other the best way we could, but James tried to talk to her. I had nothing against it since they had a huge subject pendent between them. Still, as I said earlier, she kept being herself... she didn't even listen to him. I didn't want to interfere as this was a problem that the two of them had to solve. Also, I felt that if I interfered I could generate even more hatred on her part. I had done enough already by taking him away from her. Thus, I stayed put. It wasn't easy though, and honestly it was getting on my nerves and seeing the man I love suffering because of her hurt me too. Because of her madness. Because she was malevolent. Francesca was truly a viper. I was surer than ever by then. It made me sick to the bone.

I shoot my CK campaign the week before. Mark was in a great mood. He had a new girlfriend and was planning to move to the States too, depending on the success of this commercial. It was nice to shoot with him. We already knew each other so there was a great empathy during the photo session. We knew how we liked to work, so everything went fast and almost perfect. I was going to see the samples of the photos that and I could bring it home with me. I wanted to show it to the guys, as I was going to have lunch with James.

So, before I went to the studio, I stopped by Models Inc. office in San Francisco and picked up the photos of my campaign. I took a glance at it in the car before start driving to Sausalito. I was proud of myself. The photos were spectacular and sensual, all in black in white. I was in a bikini and Mark was in boxers. I wondered how James was going to react to it. I hoped he like it, but I still remember the fight we had because of it. I arrived at The Plant studios a bit earlier than what I have settled with James, but I got inside anyway. I greeted the security guard and head it upstairs. Bob was in the hallway when I got there.

"Lea, so good to see you." He greeted me, smiling, and giving me a hug.

"Are they recording? Can I come in?" I asked him.

"No..." He answered. "Go ahead, they're just listening to some stuff." He opened the door for me, letting me in first.

Lars, Kirk, and Jason were very concentrated listening to some music. I liked what I heard even though it was just a few seconds. They turned it off to greet me when they saw me. I gave each one of them a kiss and asked for James. Lars told me he had gone to the toilets, so I decided to show them my photos as they were always asking me for it.

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