Chapter 75

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"James?" I whispered feeling my eyes getting so watered I couldn't even see him clearly. "What did you ask?" My voice trembled visibly emotional.

"I asked you to marry me, Lea." He said also with his eyes watering. "I love you... I love you since I met you and I want you to be my wife."

"Oh my God..." I giggled and cried at the same time. "Everybody is looking..." I said, looking around. Our corner was not so discreet all of a sudden.

"Well... I am kneeling on the floor waiting for your answer." He told me with a soft smile on his lips and glittering eyes.

"Make the question again?" I asked him, cleaning my eyes, and trying to control my emotions.

"Will you marry me, babe?" James asked with trembling lips.

"Yes." I said, trying not to cry but failing completely. "I will marry you." I repeated.

"She said yes!" He yelled and stretched an arm giving the horns to our crowd. I saw people standing from their tables and beginning to applaud.

"Oh my god..." I laughed while James, with trembling hands, placed the diamond ring on my ring finger.

James got up and I got up too, wrapping my arms onto his neck and gluing my lips on his. The round of applause became even more intense and the costumers even cheered. We broke the kiss but let our foreheads glued, looking in each other's eyes taking in the moment.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

"Sir..." Our moment was interrupted by a waiter holding a tray with a bottle of champagne and two flutes. We parted and looked the man. "A gift from the house for you." He said.

"Thank you." We said both at the same time.

James grabbed one of the flutes and gave it to me and then he grabbed his. He looked in my eyes and raised his glass a little.

"To love." He said.

"To us." I responded and we toasted.

Another round of applause was heard and then we bowed thanking everyone for the nice gesture.

"I forgot to tell you that there's something engraved on the ring." James told me while we sat back on the table.

My hands were still trembling while I took the ring off my finger to look at the inscription. It said: "J loves L". So simple and even childish if you wish, but so adorable and romantic.

"Oh babe..." I kissed his lips. "It's so beautiful."

"It's simple but it sums up everything." He smiled.

"I love it. Everything... the inscription, the ring..." I said looking down at it. "So..." I looked at him again. "This is why you have been nervous."

"Yes." He nodded. I kissed his lips.

"And the weekend was this you had planned..." I realized how important that weekend was.

"Let that go." He told me, pecking my lips.

"James..." I said getting up and putting on my coat. "Let's go..."

"Lea... we haven't had dessert..." He smiled.

"I don't care... I want to go to our bedroom and I want to love you." I told him.

James motioned a hand to the waiter and left three bills to pay for the dinner on the table. That should me more than enough to leave a good tip to the waiter too. He held my hand and we disappeared from there, wanting to be alone. In the elevator, I kissed his lips time and time again, making him giggle.

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