Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning lying on my stomach and with James planting soft kisses on the back of my shoulders. I stayed motionless for a while, pretending I was sleeping, just feeling his wet kisses along my back. How cute is that? How cute could that man be? Would you even think he could be so tender? Remember James at that time? Wild and savage and rude... that was all that he'd show and yet, there he was waking me up with the caress of his lips along my skin being the sweetest man ever and delighting more and more. He was making me me fall for him more and more, detail by detail. The James I knew behind closed doors was a different man than the James I knew publicly. I don't know how many people had real access to that charming, loving, fragile and sensitive person, but I knew that instant that I was one in this small group.

"Hey..." He whispered in my ear. "Wake up mayflower..." He whispered still kissing me softly here and there as he noticed I was awakened.

"I don't want to." I responded with a sleepy voice. "I kind of like what you are doing."

"Come on..." He kissed my cheek sweetly and I felt his lips smiling against my cheek.

I smiled too and turned around to look at him. I didn't remember of waking up in such sweet manner. I didn't remember of waking up in such a good mood either. I didn't remember of waking up with someone that hot in my bed. God... name a person who would look that good first thing in the morning. He looked so cute and irresistible with his puffy eyes and raspy voice and tangled hair.

"What a great way to start my day." I told him sincerely, smiling at him and raising a hand that I ran along his face.

"How is that?" He smiled softly and then pecked my lips.

"With your lips on my skin..." I said almost shyly.

"You like that?" He asked me, pecking my lips again and I closed my eyes and just nodded as I felt his lips travelling along my jaw.

I felt like I was in a fairytale and that he treated me like a princess. His sleeping face was just the most adorable thing I had ever seen, and my heart bubbled that very instant looking in his puffy blue eyes. I was so doomed... I was so fucking doomed.

"It's late..." He kissed me again. "We better order something to eat. I'm starving." James told me but he had by then rolled on top of me and he was kissing my neck wetly.

"Hum..." I closed my eyes, moaning a little. "If you keep on doing that, I think breakfast will have to wait." I raised my head a bit to reach for his lips and I kissed him softly. "Don't you think?" I asked after, looking in his eyes.

"I guess..." He responded and I raised my head to kiss his lips once more.

Immediately, he responded to my kiss by entering my mouth with his tongue and ran his hands over my legs. From bottom until he reached my thighs. I jerked right there anticipating his touch on my intimate parts. I wanted him again and I was going to fulfil my need. Everything indicated so.

"Are you really starving?" I asked breaking the kiss gently.

I didn't want to be that needy, but he was so irresistible.

"Not as much as I thought I was." He murmured and returned to the kiss I had broken seconds before.

Our lips touched again with tongues involved in a lustful dance.

"Good." I said delighted with the way he was then kissing my neck. Spreading juicy kisses over it.

I wrapped my legs around him so he could adjust in the middle and he entered me easily and slowly. Calm and quietly. The world just stopped turning around. Time stopped too. Nothing else existed but us inside the hotel bedroom. Nothing else existed but is in the entire world.

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