Chapter 102

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The rest of the tour was full of ups and downs. Some good shows and some terrible shows. James's back was the main problem of this unsuccessful tour. That, and the tension between them. It was worse than ever. I can safely say it got worse every day. There were fights after almost every show. I'd just see the others during the shows. No one was spending time together or talking to each other. Including our way back home for we came back alone. Each one took a different flight. Obviously, that dragged us, the girlfriends, and wives with it. I was expecting to spend some quality time with my friends and, in fact, I didn't have the chance to do so, because we obviously spent our time with our significant one as they weren't doing anything together. So, we came back to San Francisco on a private flight, just James and me. That night, we had settled to have dinner with my parents, so as soon as we landed, we got in a car that took us to their house. Disco was jumping all over us just happy to see us. James played with him for a while, and then we greeted both my parents that were at the door waiting for us.

"Hi, mom." I said, hugging her and then I turned to my father.

"James." My mother said, giving him a tight hug.

"Welcome back" My father told him giving him a hand shake.

"It's good to be back, sir." James responded with a soft smile on his lips.

We went inside the house and found everything done. They were just waiting for us. The table was set with my mom's best porcelain. I think they thought it was a moment to celebrate. Deep inside I know they rooted for us.

"Oh... mom, you didn't have to do all this." I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "It's too much!"

"Of course, I had to. The occasion asks for it. You came back after three weeks and James is here with us." She said, looking at him. James gave her his best smile.

"We better sit at the table. I'm starving." My father interrupted us, which caused us to laugh.

Dinner was great. It felt good to be back home and back to my environment. Especially without fighting, or a heavy ambience, and James seemed really relieved. He talked and laughed as if everything was perfect. He seemed truly relieved that the tour was over, and to be honest so was I. All he could think of then was to come back home and be away from Metallica. It was a sad moment for Metallica meant everything to him and for James to come to that conclusion, things had to be at a very strange place. We also played cards, and we had so much fun. It was like the old times. It was like we were never separated. It seemed we just picked our lives where we had left it, and we had all the support we needed from my parents.

I knew they were wondering if he was going to rehab, but James had asked not to say a word to anyone about his plans and so I didn't. The first meeting was the next day in the morning, and I knew he was super nervous, but I was going to be there with him. Then, we would spend a week at home and then we'd leave on vacation as we had planned. Where? We didn't know, we just knew we needed to be alone and away. Around ten o' clock, we left my parents' house. My car was there because I had to take Disco there when I left, so it stayed at my parents' for those three weeks. I called Disco, that immediately jumped inside. James had his apartment, but he was going home with me. He was going back to where he belonged.

"Welcome home." I told him when I parked in front of the door.

"God..." He said, looking at it. "You can't even imagine how happy I am." James shot me a sweet smile.

"We better go inside." I said, tapping his hand.

James squeezed my hand gently and then opened the door of the car, opening Disco's door too. The dog just started barking and running around. I think he too was missing home.

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