#114: Nerd [AU]

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haAhahaha do u gusy hate me

Ashton: "Hey, you're Y/N, right?" You glanced up from your phone to see a tall blonde boy nervously tugging on the hem of his black sweater. He had a dark blonde mess of hair, his hazel eyes peering at you from behind those framed glasses and he had really deep dimples on the sides of his face. You recognized him as one of your classmates in Chemistry class, he was the chirpy little boy who had really high grades. He wasn't the typical nerd - he was actually kinda popular, he had a lot of friends and he was practically loved by everyone. "Yes, that's me," You nodded, and he took the seat from across you. You actually felt a bit bad that you forgot his name, you knew that his name started with an A but you were never really good with names. "I'm Ashton, by the way," He said, smiling. Ashton must have noticed the look on your face, and you were thankful that he actually told you his name, or you would have embarrassed yourself and called him a different name. "So, I heard you weren't doing good with chemistry," He started, and your lips tugged into a small frown. You were pretty much failing chemistry, and it wasn't really a secret. Your chemistry teacher was a dick and would call you out pretty much every single time you fail a quiz (which was very frequent) and this was how everyone in class knew about your little chemistry problem. Ashton immediately covered his mouth and apologized, "I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask if you wanted me to help you. I-I mean like, I just wanted to tutor you and- um, I'm sorry, shit," Ashton's cheeks flared as he said this, and he was a stuttering mess. But you found it absolutely adorable and giggled, wrapping your arms around him with a huge smile, "Thank you, it means so much to me! Yes, of course I'd let you tutor me, thank you, thank you, thank you!" You could feel Ashton wrap his arms around you hesitantly, making you smile to yourself. Pulling away, you ruffled his messy hair as you asked, "Is there a catch though?" Ashton's cheeks heated up as he averted his gaze from you, "Um-um, not really. But I-I'd really like to take you out for.. some di-dinner after.. if you want.." You reached out to poke the stuttering boy's dimple, nodding, "I would love that."

Michael: You groaned, speeding through the school halls as you raced to get to your first class for the day. You weren't usually late to any of your classes, but you spent last night reading a fanfic you really liked and slept in the early hours of the morning. You swore that you would never try that again, it was the worst but best mistake you've ever made (plot twist: the girl died in the fanfic) and this was the reason why you're now desperately running to the other side of the school, just to make it to first period. You absolutely despised physical effort, but this was necessary because your English teacher was a scary woman - you didn't want to suffer from her wrath. You felt your thighs burn as you rounded the corner, checking the watch wrapped around your wrist. You saw that it was too late to get into class, and you huffed, deciding it wasn't worth the effort anymore. You would just skip this class, it was better than running in late as you would only embarrass yourself if you did. You rounded the corner once more to return to where you came, but you bumped into someone who was rounding the corner at the same time as you were. Both of you fell onto the ground due to the impact, your arse aching when it landed on the floor. You heard the boy mutter profanities under his breath, causing you to look up - the first thing you noticed about the boy was his piercing jade green eyes, which widened upon seeing you. Glancing up, you also noticed the bright red color of his hair, which was obviously dyed recently. "Sorry," You mumbled, noticing that there were several comic books scattered on the floor, which you presumed were his and fell from his hands when you bumped into him. They mostly consisted of Spiderman ones, and a few Marvel ones as well, and you quickly helped the pale boy gather them up. Once you finished, the both of you stood up and you handed the comic books back to him. He muttered a thank you under his breath, his cheeks flaring as he tried not to make eye contact with you. You noticed the Rolling Stones logo on his tee, and quickly pointed at it with a huge smile, "Hey, you like them too?" The boy followed your finger, and saw that you were talking about his shirt and smiled, blushing. "Y-yeah, they're really cool. I-I like them and their songs, d-do you like Blink?" Nodding, you reached out to offer your hand for him to shake, "My name is Y/N," The boy's eyes widened once more, and he slowly took your hand in his, shaking it. "I-I'm Michael, your eyes are pretty by the way," He blurted out, pulling away from you when he realized what he just said. "I-I'm sorry! I-It's nice to meet you," He quickly said, before turning away from you and walked away, tripping on his own feet as he did, leaving you giggling.

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