#147; he likes you but you like another member (part two)

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ok question time ; what are your favorite songs from sgfg??? mine are vapor, catch fire, airplanes and broken home (tf its so fuckign sad)

Ashton: You could feel your heart pounding against your chest as your best friend approached you. You have been avoiding Ashton ever since he unknowingly confessed his feelings for you when you pretended to be asleep. The reason for your actions was simple: You didn't exactly know how to face him. Confessions between best friends usually change their entire relationship, may it be good or bad, and you couldn't just forget what happened. You couldn't face Ashton normally, like you used to before, because every time you see him, all you can think about is his confession. And you were also aware that ever since then, his words kept ringing in your head every damn time. When you wake up, when you take a shower, when you're in the middle of class, when you're eating, and right before you fall asleep. And because of this, you found yourself thinking about Ashton more than a best friend is supposed to think about another best friend. You weren't dumb, and you weren't numb either, so you knew what was happening and what was changing. You were slowly falling for your best friend, and you knew you couldn't run from him, or your growing feelings forever. You were bound to confront both of them sooner or later, but you weren't exactly expecting to do so very soon. You felt someone yank your arm, causing you to fall into them and gasped out in surprise. Your heartbeat sped up when you found yourself face to face with familiar hazel eyes that seemed to haunt you every single moment since a week ago. "Ashton," You breathed out, your eyes widening. He frowned, his eyes looking duller than the last time you've seen him. In fact, he looked like a wreck - his curly hair sticking out, dark bags under his lifeless eyes and a frown etched on his usual smiling face. You were taken by surprise due to his drastic change, and you found yourself saddened by taking in his appearance. "Why have you been avoiding me?" His voice was pained, and you quickly tore your gaze away from him. "Wh-what are you talking about?" You mumbled, folding your arms across your chest. "Don't give me that. Just... please tell me what I did to make you distance yourself from me," He pleaded, tears glistening in those sad eyes. Your chest tightened as you took a deep breath, "I know you love me," His eyes widened upon hearing those words escape your lips. "And I didn't know how to face you because I knew about your feelings for me. And you know what I realized this past week?" Ashton watched as you unfolded your arms, and reached out to take his large hand in your tiny one. "I realized that I may never have seen it before, but I think I feel the same way," Biting down on your bottom lip, you glanced up at the tall boy from underneath your lashes. Your lips slowly curled into a smile, as you watched the life return to his bright eyes and he enveloped you in a warm embrace when it finally sank in. "I love you, god, I love you," You didn't fight the warmth that spread through your entire body upon hearing those words, and wrapped your arms around the muscular boy. "I know."

Michael: "You know," Michael's soft voice caused your eyes to flutter open, and you were quickly met with familiar jade coloured eyes. "I don't think you're supposed to fall asleep in the middle of a date." Michael smiled, his eyes looking down at you with tenderness. After that night at the bar, you figured that giving Michael a shot wouldn't hurt. You decided that it would be pointless to spend your time pining over a boy who never showed the least bit interest in dating you, and that you'd rather spend your precious time with someone who was willing to make you feel like you were the most beautiful girl in the world. Michael didn't remember anything that happened that night, but he did realize that he needed to stop liking you from a distance and do something ballsy for something to change between you. And so, the blonde boy did in fact, do something incredibly ballsy to change your relationship with each other. He finally admitted his growing feelings for you, which made it so much sweeter because there was no alcohol fueling his words. All of his words came from his heart this time, and each one made you swoon like the first time you ever fell in love with a cute boy. He asked you out on a proper date soon afterwards, and Michael being Michael, had no idea what to do and where to go for your first date because he wanted every single detail to be perfect and romantic and sweet. He asked all of his friends to help, and they all pitched in to help plan your evening picnic underneath the starry sky in the beach. It was crazy cliché but you loved the fact that he exerted so much effort just to make the date an unforgettable one. You could remember sharing your first kiss with him underneath that starry sky, and you could still remember the way his soft lips felt against yours. You could remember the hesitation, his shaking hands carefully touching your skin, as if he was afraid that the slightest wrong touch could ruin everything he's tried to build between you. You could remember how his ears turned pink when you took his shaking hands and placed them on your waist, and how you leaned in to press a soft kiss on Michael's pale neck, right on his adorable mole. You have been with this boy since that day in the bar, and you have never once regretted giving him a chance to make you fall for the dorky blonde boy. "Hey, you okay?" His words snapped you out of your thoughts, and you leaned in to press your lips against his soft ones before pulling away slowly. "I love you, Michael," You whispered, smiling as he leaned in to press his forehead against yours. His lips hovered right above yours, his warm breath tickling your skin as he whispered those three little words right back.

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