BSM/DDM Imagines (1D)

By Shannon12000

634K 8.4K 1.1K

Larry, Lilo, Lirry, Niam, Nouis, Narry Ziam, Zarry, Zouis, Ziall. Bromances imagines with the 1D boys! More

BSM Nouis
BSM Lilo
DDM Nouis
DDM Larry
DDM Lilo
BSM Narry
DDM Nouis
DDM Lirry
DDM Nouis
BSM Lilo
DDM Nouis
BSM Narry
DDM All the boys
DDM Larry
DDM Niam
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Louis
DDM Harry
DDM Larry
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys part 2
DDM All the boys
DDM Larry
BSM Nouis
DDM Lirry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
DDM Nouis
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
BSM Nouis
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Niam
BSM Niall
DDM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
BSM Lilo
BSM Niall
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
BSM Niall SSM Bailey
DDM Larry
DDM Lilo
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
BSM Niall
Louis Imagine
DDM Niam
Louis imagine
Louis Imagine
DDM Harry
DDM Nouis
DDM Louis
BSM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Narry
DDM Niam
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Liam
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Ziam
BSM Nouis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Narry
BSM Liam
BSM Niall
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Niam
BSM Zouis
BSM Narry
DDM Ziall
Narry Imagine
Narry Imagine
DDM Nouis
Harry Imagine
Harry Imagine
BSM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Nouis
DDM Nouis
DDM Ziam
DDM Ziam
DDM Nouis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Niall
Narry Imagine
DDM Niall
BSM Liam
Styles Triplets Plan.
The Tomlinson Twins
Harry Imagine
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
BSM Nouis
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
BSM Liam
DDM Larry
New book!
DDM Niall
DDM Niall
DDM Nouarry
DDM Louis
DDM Nouarry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Nouis
BSM All the boys
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Louis
DDM Lirry
BSM All the boys
DDM Nouis
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
Lilo Imagine
BSM Louis
DDM Lirry
DDM Lirry
DDM Liam
DDM Narry
DDM Liam
Niam Imagine
DDM Niall
BSM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Louis
BSM Harry
Nouis Imagine
BSM Liam
DDM Niall
BSM Zayn
BSM All the boys
DDM Louis
Merry Christmas 🌟✨
Actions have consequences
DDM Niall.
BSM Louis
DDM Louis
Niam Imagine
DDM Niam
BSM Zayn
BSM Zayn
DDM Liam
Harry Imagine
DDM Lirry

DDM Nouarry

2.5K 46 14
By Shannon12000

Dad; Louis.
Papa; Niall.
Pops; Harry.

Y/n was so excited, she was finally getting a family, she's been waiting for this her whole life, she had been wishing, hoping and praying for someone to take her home and now it's finally happened.

"They're here!" Elaine, Y/n's foster carer said. Y/n smiled wide and headed downstairs. "Hello." She greeted when she saw the boys who were adopting her.

They smiled and Harry took her bags. "Oh, you don't have to do that." Y/n said, going to take her bags when Harry pushed her away slightly. "I got it. Don't worry." He mumbled and picked up the heaviest bag and passing it to Niall. "Okay..." Niall said, taking a deep breath.

Harry then handed took the second heaviest bag and passed it to Louis, while he took the lightest bag. "She stays in a foster house, how many things could she possibly own?" Louis mumbled.

"Well, now that you've got everything, I guess this is goodbye." Elaine said as she pulled Y/n into a tight hug. "You know you can call me anytime." She whispered. "I know." Y/n replied.

Elaine has been Y/n's foster carer nearly her whole life, she was basically Y/n's second mum. Y/n was taken into care when she was ten years old, after her parents abandoned her, they even hit her a few times. But, Elaine took care of her, showing that not all people are bad.

"Take good care of her, yeah." Elaine said. The trio nodded. "Course we will." Louis said and they headed out. Y/n waiting behind as she took one last look around her, around the place she called home for seven years. "It seems like a dream." She said.

Elaine smiled. "It's real, you're finally going to have the family you've always wanted." She said and kissed Y/n on the cheek. "Goodbye, Y/n." "Goodbye Elaine."

"How long does it take to say goodbye?" Niall asked annoyed, watching the smoke go by him, noticing that Louis was smoking as he leaned on the car. "She grew up here, Niall. It's going to take her time saying goodbye." Harry replied, pulling out his phone and checking the time.

"Hey, sorry I took so long, it's just, I'm close with everyone who stayed there." Y/n said, putting her hair behind her hair. "Don't worry about it, love. We know it must be hard." Louis said and stamped on his now finished cigarette.

They got into the car, and Y/n headed to her new house, while waving to everyone who waved her off outside the house.

"Okay, so this is home...I guess." Harry said, as Y/n walked in and looked around. "This is bigger than the home, and that was big!" She said in amazement. "Yeah, five bedrooms, four toilets, living room, lounge room, dining room, kitchen, game room, swimming pool, cinema room, even our own bowling alley." Harry explained, Y/n's eyes going wide.

"How big is the fridge?" She asked. "Okay, I love her already. It's filled up they everything is nearly pouring out." Niall replied. "And you have your own bowling alley? I've not been in ages. We used to go every Saturday, but that was because Elaine's husband took us, but they divorced five years ago." Y/n explained. "Well, that's a shame. Now, you can play it whenever you want." Louis said.

Y/n got unpacked, looking around her room, which was like three bedrooms put into one, and she had her own bathroom. She never would've guessed she would be living like this, she thought she would be living in a two bedroom flat, a tiny kitchen and living room, with only a tiny toilet. But, not like this.

"Hey, you done?" Harry asked as he walked into the room. "Uh, yeah. Think so." She replied looking around when she noticed the bedside table. "Okay, well if you need anything, just ask." Harry said about to walk out, "actually, there's something else. Can I uh, put a picture on this table?" She asked and Harry nodded, not going to question who it was.

Y/n smiled as Harry walked out as she put the photo of her and her cousin, she's not seen her in ages, she wasn't allowed to come to the home, and her mum doesn't want her anywhere near Y/n after what happened with Y/n's parents.

She and her cousin have always been close, they were joined by the hip.

"She asked if she could have a picture next to her bed." Harry said, running a hand through his hair. "A picture of who?" Louis asked taking a drink of his tea. "I don't know, it might be one of her mum, dad? I don't fucking know." Harry replied.

Louis raised an eyebrow, but left it at that. "Why don't you just ask her?" Niall asked. "I don't want to invade her privacy, she just moved in, I don't want her to feel rushed into talking to us." Harry replied.

Louis rolled his eyes and went to head upstairs when Harry stopped him. "Don't force her into confessing things." He warned. "I won't." Louis said and headed into Y/n's room. "Hey, love." He greeted as he closed the door behind him.

Y/n looked up from her book and smiled softly. "Hello, Mr Tomlinson." She greeted. Louis let out a softly laugh. "Call me Louis, love, then when you feel comfortable, call me dad." Louis said but Y/n's face paled.


She hated the word. She hated her dad. When she found out she was going to have three, she nearly broke down, not wanting to go through with it.

"Uh, okay, Louis, what's up?" She asked. Louis smiled and sat at the bottom of Y/n's feet. "Who's that?" He asked as he pointed to the picture. Y/n looked at the picture and smiled. "That's my cousin, Rhiann. We, uh, I'm not allowed to see her because my aunt didn't want my parents anywhere near her. She didn't trust them." Y/n replied.

"Why?" Louis asked, "like why doesn't she trust them?" Y/n sighed, "its nothing. It's not that big of a deal." She replied. "It must be something for your aunt to keep you away from her." Louis argued. "No, Louis, trust me, it's nothing." Y/n said, going back to read her book.

Louis sighed and stood up. "Well, if you want to talk, I'm here." He said. "Yeah. Thanks, Louis." Y/n said, thankful that he's leaving things at that.

"Did she say?" Niall asked, Harry looking up with a raised eyebrow. "It was her cousin, Rhiann, but she hasn't seen her in years because what her parents did, so her aunt keeps her away from the family." Louis replied.

"Why?" Harry asked. "She wouldn't say. She just said that it was nothing. But, I don't believe her." Louis replied, biting his nail. "Yeah, I mean, how could you? She's been staying in a home for most of her life, she's been sent to a new family, where she has three dads. She's not comfortable yet, can't blame her." Niall explained.

Harry then gasped and clicked his fingers. "I bet she got abused by her dad!" He said. "That's why she's keeping herself to herself, I bet you!" "Alright mate, calm down. If that is the case, don't say anything." Louis said and Harry nodded, Niall doing the same.

Later that day, Y/n came downstairs, her book held tight to her chest. "Oh, I was about to come and get you, Harry is about to order a pizza, want some?" Niall asked. "Uh, yeah. Sure." Y/n replied smiling softly.

Niall smiled and headed back into the kitchen. Y/n let out a sigh, looking down at the book, the book that Elaine got her for her birthday. She's read it everyday, it means so much to her.

Yeah, it's a book, but when Elaine got her it for her birthday, she couldn't be happier, it was the first thing she ever got. Her first gift, something that made someone think of her when they saw it. She treasures that.

"What are you reading?" Harry asked, going to take the book when Y/n stood back. "It's not important, it's just a random book." She replied. "Oh. What's it called?" Harry asked. "Uh, it's not that popular, you might not know it." Y/n replied. "And? It might give me an idea on things that interest you." Harry said.

"It's not that-" "at least tell me what it's about." Harry said. Y/n sighed softly and held the book closer to her chest. "It's about a girl...she basically has the same life as me, but she had friends, she had a life before it all went downhill." She explained.

"By downhill, you mean?" Harry asked. "Look, it's not that important, you won't get it." Y/n replied, not wanting to give away that her parents abused her.

"I just want to get to know you, you are my daughter now..." Harry said and Y/n looked down. "Yeah..." she mumbled and headed into the living room.

Harry sighed, knowing that this wasn't going to be easy. "Has she told you?" Louis asked, looking into the living room, seeing Y/n staring at the blank television screen. "No, I don't want to rush her but I'm dying to know." Harry replied.

Niall then went through into the living room. "Pizza should be here in half an hour, I didn't know if you liked pepperoni or cheese so I got both, hope that's ok." He said sitting next to Y/n.

"Yeah, that's fine." Y/n replied.

"Niall can talk to her." Harry said, gripping Louis' arm.

"I'm not going to ask her personal questions. It's her life, her personal life. We've only just got her and you want her to spill the beans on her whole life story?" Niall asked. "We just want to know her." Louis replied. "Then find out what her favourite colour is, don't ask things she doesn't feel comfortable with. We just got her, don't let us lose her." Niall argued.

It has been twenty four hours since Y/n has moved in, and she was the first one to wake up. So, she decided to get herself cereal.

Half an hour later, Louis came down, switching on the kettle and walked into the dining room. "SHIT!" He yelled when he saw Y/n sitting there. "You scared me, love." He said hand on his chest.

Next thing, Niall and Harry came running downstairs, "what happened?!" Niall asked, holding Harry in front of him, using him as a human shield as Harry done a karate pose.

"Nothing, Y/n scared me, didn't know she was there." Louis replied. "Sorry." Y/n mumbled, feeling bad for scaring him. "Don't worry about it, love." Louis said, smiling softly.

Later that day, Y/n decided to give herself a little house tour, amazed of how big this house really is. "Wow." She whispered when she walked into the music room, seeing all of the guitars, grand piano, drums set. They even had a signed one by a random guy that must've been big when they were young.

She walked around, looking at all of the guitars, the electric ones being her favourites. She's always wanted to learn how to play guitar. She saw an light blue electric guitar, that one was her favourite so far.

She ran her hand on the strings, making it make a little noise. "Cool." She went to walk around a bit more when there was a loud bang from behind her.

"No." She whispered, not daring to turn around, knowing that she's going to be in trouble. "No, God, please no." She said, slowly turning around seeing guitar-broken guitar on the ground. The top of the guitar was snapped, the strings hanging off.

"Y/n!" Harry called, as she heard feet come upstairs. "Y/n, are you ok?!" Harry asked, coming into the room, Y/n having her back to him when they opened the door, staring down at the guitar. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? What was that noise?" Harry asked, walking over to Y/n going wide eyed when he saw what was on the floor.

"I'm sorry." Y/n whispered. "It's no me you should be saying that to, love." Harry said, hand over his mouth, moving his stare to Niall. "What's the matter?" Niall asked, stepping forward seeing the guitar on the ground. "Wha-how did this happen?!" He asked kneeling down next to the guitar.

"I'm sorry, I was just having a look, I ran my hand on the strings and when I turned around it crashed to the floor! I'm sorry, please don't hate me!" Y/n said in a rush, seeing the anger in Niall's face. "DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS IS?!" He yelled in her face. "THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!"

Y/n looked at the ground, a few tears making their way down her face, biting her bottom lip. "I'm sorry." She sobbed. "From now on, you stay out of here. This room is out of bounds to you, if I see you in here ever again, face the consequences." Niall said, walking out of the room with the guitar.

"I didn't mean it, I never knew it was going to fall, it was probably hung up wrong..." Y/n said, knowing how stupid she sounded. "There's no point making up excuses. What's done is done. You've got a lot of making up to do." Harry said, Louis nodding in agreement before the both walk out of the room.

Y/n let out a shaky sigh, running a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry." She sobbed, sitting on the floor, knees up to her chest. "I'm sorry."

Niall groaned in frustration when the guitar wasn't sticking together. "Piece of shit!" He spat. "Niall, calm down." Louis said. "I'm using super glue, I've held it in place for more than five minutes and it's not staying together! Who the hell does she think she is?! Thinking she can just touch everything! She should be the one fixing this not me!" Niall explained, folding his arms and let out a sigh.

"She didn't mean it, Niall." Harry said, walking towards the fridge. "She still shouldn't be touching people's personal property." Niall argued.

Y/n sighed, coming downstairs with her bags, knowing that they wouldn't want a trouble maker. "Y/n!" Niall called, must've heard her come downstairs. "You are going to pay for that guitar, you broke it, you fix it! You think you can just come into this house and touch everything!? You think you have the right to do that!?" Niall asked.

"Niall, lay off her!" Harry said, walking behind Niall, Louis not far behind. "We adopted you because you seemed like a sweet girl, but now it looks like you're a trouble maker, and we didn't sign up for that-" "why do you have your bags?" Louis asked.

The two other boys raised an eyebrow and right enough, Y/n's bags were next to her. "You heard him yourself, you didn't adopt a trouble maker. I might as well leave before I cause anymore trouble." She replied. "You don't have to leave." Harry said, glaring at Niall as he wants him to say something.

"If she wants to leave she can." Niall said shrugging. "Niall!" Louis and Harry said shocked. "She broke my guitar. "Yeah, and I'm about you break your fucking arm!" Louis threatened. "Look, love, we know it was an accident. But, you just have to be more careful. You don't have to leave, it's something so small." Louis explained.

"Small?! This is my favourite electric guitar! It was my first one! It's not something that can be easily replaced." Niall argued. "Niall, she was just having a little house tour, you saw how guilty she looked when we found out about the guitar. For god sake, she feels so bad that she's threatening to fucking leave! She didn't mean it!" Harry explained. Niall sighed and rolled his eyes. "you've got a lot of making up to do. And I mean, A LOT." Niall said.

Y/n had tried her hardest to fix the guitar. She used the super glue, and she sat there for the whole day holding it in place, Niall checking on her from time to time, but he stood at the living room door, as she was in the kitchen.

"Finished!" She called happily. "It's fixed, strings and all!" She said and handed the guitar back to Niall. "It looks brand new! Thanks, darlin', appreciate it." He said and kissed Y/n's cheek.

Harry headed into Y/n's room, looking around just to see if there's anything to help him to show what type of person she is. He walked up to her desk and saw a notebook, saying memories. He smiled lightly and opened it, seeing pictures of the people she used to live with in the home.

Clearing his throat, he looked around some more when he saw a little notebook sticking out from under her pillow. He looked out into the hall to see if Y/n was there and she wasn't, so he took the notebook and sat on her bed, back to the door.

'Dear diary, things are so much better then I can remember, I can remember waking up screaming, thinking my mum and dad came back to hurt me again. I just want things to be normal.'

Harry had no idea, Y/n was abused? How could Elaine not tell them?

'The scar, that dreaded scar that makes me question about the things I wear, it takes up nearly whole shoulder, mum went too far that night, but I'm away from them now. I'm safe.'

"Oh hi." Y/n said when she noticed Harry was sitting on her bed. Harry jumped up, the diary behind his back. "Oh, hello." He said. "What you got there?" Y/n asked. "Oh, it's nothing. I was just looking around your room, do you like it?" He asked nervously.

Y/n nodded, "yeah, it's perfect." She replied. "Great, well I need to talk to the boys, call if you need anything." Harry said and headed downstairs.

"I told you!" He said, as he placed the book down on the couch. "What?" Louis asked picking up the book. "She had been getting abused. Her mum and dad abused her." Harry replied. "You read her diary?!" Niall asked, shooting up to stand on his feet. "Shh!" Louis said slapping the back of his head.

"She has a scar on her shoulder, that's why she always wears that hoodie." Harry said, going to read more of the diary when the boys heard rushed footsteps come downstairs. "Shit!" He whispered yelled and threw the book to Niall, who passed it to Louis, who passed it back to Harry, who passed it back to Louis who then sat on the couch, with the book under the cushion.

"Where is it?" Y/n asked herself. "Come on!" She said. "What is it?" Louis asked trying to be innocent. "Uh, I've lost something, like a book. It's really important." Y/n replied. "What does it look like?" Harry asked, looking over to Louis. "It's just a simple black book, nothing special." Y/n replied.

She left the room and Louis let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding and put the book on the coffee table. "Hey, Y/n!" He called, Y/n running back into the room, seeing the black book immediately. "How did it get there?" She asked.

Harry felt awful, so he owned up. "I-uh, I read it." He said. Y/n snapped her head towards him. "You read my diary?!" She asked. "We just wanted to get to know you." Harry replied. "So you invade my privacy?! I know you're my 'parents' from now on but you can't just read my personal shit!" Y/n argued.

"Hey! Language, young lady!" Louis warned. "No! This is unacceptable! You read my diary, yeah I went through some stuff growing up but you didn't need to know the details! God!" Y/n explained, gripping her hair. "Look, we're your family now and we have a right to look at your stuff!" Harry argued.

"NOT MY FUCKING DIARY!" She yelled. Next thing, Harry saw red. "DON'T RAISE YOUR FUCKING VOICE AT ME!" Harry yelled and slapped Y/n in the face.

Louis and Niall gasped, Y/n reaching up to touch her cheek with her shaky hand, and Harry looking at his hand in shock. "O-oh, my god-Y/n I'm so sorry!" He said. "NO!" She yelled, flinching away when she saw that Harry was going to touch her cheek.

Harry's heart broke when he saw the fear in her eyes. The girl who was meant to be his daughter, his little girl. "I'm sorry." He sobbed. "You're just like them. You're just like my dad!" Y/n sobbed and ran upstairs to her room.

Harry went to run after her when Niall and Louis grabbed each of his arms. "Don't, leave her alone for a while." Louis said softly. Harry let out a shaky sigh as he looked upstairs, flinching when he heard the door slam.

A few hours went by and Harry sat outside Y/n's bedroom door, leaning his head against the door, tears streaming down his face. "Knowing that I hurt you like kills me, love." He sobbed. "I'm nothing like your parents, none of us are like them. What I did was a horrible mistake." He explained.

"Just go in and talk to her." Niall said, feeling horrible seeing Harry this upset. Harry sighed and stood up. "What if I yell at her again?" He asked, slowly bringing his shaky hand to the door handle and slowly walking in.

"SHE'S GONE!" He yelled.

A few months had passed, the trio was still looking for her, Harry..Harry didn't really help though, he turned into an alcoholic, the two other boys finding it hard.

"Harry, you've got to stop this." Louis said, taking the bottle out of Harry's grip. "GIVE ME THE BOTTLE!" He yelled, grabbing the half empty bottle of vodka out of Louis' grip. "This helps me forget the mistake I made for a while." He sobbed.

"Guys!" Niall called, "guys, come here!" Louis sighed as he saw Harry making no effort to move. "What is it, Ni-Y/N!?" He asked, seeing Y/n standing at the door, looking freezing. "Let her in then!" Louis said as he and Niall pulled her in.

Harry stood at the top of the stairs, eyes brimming with tears when he saw Y/n. "She's home. Our baby girl is home."  

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