BSM/DDM Imagines (1D)

By Shannon12000

638K 8.4K 1.1K

Larry, Lilo, Lirry, Niam, Nouis, Narry Ziam, Zarry, Zouis, Ziall. Bromances imagines with the 1D boys! More

BSM Nouis
BSM Lilo
DDM Nouis
DDM Larry
DDM Lilo
BSM Narry
DDM Nouis
DDM Lirry
DDM Nouis
BSM Lilo
DDM Nouis
BSM Narry
DDM Larry
DDM Niam
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Louis
DDM Harry
DDM Larry
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys part 2
DDM All the boys
DDM Larry
BSM Nouis
DDM Lirry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
DDM Nouis
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
BSM Nouis
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Niam
BSM Niall
DDM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
BSM Lilo
BSM Niall
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
BSM Niall SSM Bailey
DDM Larry
DDM Lilo
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
BSM Niall
Louis Imagine
DDM Niam
Louis imagine
Louis Imagine
DDM Harry
DDM Nouis
DDM Louis
BSM Liam
DDM Liam
DDM Narry
DDM Niam
DDM Narry
DDM Narry
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Harry
DDM Louis
DDM Liam
DDM Lilo
DDM Narry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Ziam
BSM Nouis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Narry
BSM Liam
BSM Niall
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Larry
DDM Niam
BSM Zouis
BSM Narry
DDM Ziall
Narry Imagine
Narry Imagine
DDM Nouis
Harry Imagine
Harry Imagine
BSM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Nouis
DDM Nouis
DDM Ziam
DDM Ziam
DDM Nouis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Niall
Narry Imagine
DDM Niall
BSM Liam
Styles Triplets Plan.
The Tomlinson Twins
Harry Imagine
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
BSM Nouis
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
DDM All the boys
BSM Liam
DDM Larry
New book!
DDM Niall
DDM Niall
DDM Nouarry
DDM Nouarry
DDM Louis
DDM Nouarry
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Nouis
BSM All the boys
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
DDM Louis
BSM Louis
DDM Lirry
BSM All the boys
DDM Nouis
DDM Nouis
BSM Niall
Lilo Imagine
BSM Louis
DDM Lirry
DDM Lirry
DDM Liam
DDM Narry
DDM Liam
Niam Imagine
DDM Niall
BSM Louis
DDM Lilo
DDM Louis
BSM Harry
Nouis Imagine
BSM Liam
DDM Niall
BSM Zayn
BSM All the boys
DDM Louis
Merry Christmas 🌟✨
Actions have consequences
DDM Niall.
BSM Louis
DDM Louis
Niam Imagine
DDM Niam
BSM Zayn
BSM Zayn
DDM Liam
Harry Imagine
DDM Lirry

DDM All the boys

7.8K 50 17
By Shannon12000

Dad; Louis
Papa; Harry
Pops; Niall
Daddy; Liam
Age; 16

"We need to tell her." I heard dad say as I walked downstairs as I heard them come downstairs.

It was two in the morning and they're talking really loud.

"How do you expect us to tell her?" Pops asked. "Hey Y/n, just to let you know we're vampires and we want to make you one as well. Yeah that'll go down great."

I went wide eyed. They're vampires?

"Y/n?" Papa asked and I froze.

Crap I said that out loud.

"Uh... hey." I said coming into the kitchen.

"Did-did you hear any of that?" Dad asked nervously.

"About the vampire thing? Yeah..." I replied smiling softly.

"Shit." Dad and pops mumbled.

"Look, we're sorry you found out like this but we had to tell you sooner rather than later." Daddy said and I nodded.

"I find cool." I said shrugging.

"We know you might go all ape shit on us but there's no need. We won't hur-I'm sorry, what?" Dad asked as he finally clicked on to what I said.

"I find it cool. I've always wanted to be a vampire." I said and sat on the chair.

"I'm sorry, what?" Dad asked again.

"Can you change me? Oh my god, this is going to be so cool! I can show my friends-"

"WOAH! We're going to stop you right there! You can't tell anyone." Papa said and I nodded.

"Can I tell my best friend, Jessica? We tell each other everything." I said and smiled softly.

"No." pops said.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Dad said again.

"Oh for god sake, Louis! She find it cool that we're vampires! Now can you stop asking the same question over and over again before I flick you in the fucking eye!" Pops said and I giggled.

"Flick you in the eye."

"So do you want to be a vampire? We need to teach you on how to control yourself." Papa said and I nodded.

"Don't tell Jessica." Daddy said.

"I won't." I said. "Can to change me now?"

"Right, when we change you, it won't happen straight away but it will be painful-so painful that you'll probably punch your dad in the face." Papa said and dad raised an eyebrow.

"I'm sor-" dad cut himself off when he saw the glare pops was giving him.

"What was that, Harry?" Dad then asked.

"Who's-" daddy then pushed papa out the way and took my wrist.

"Woah, Liam!" Pops said and took my wrist out of his hand.

"What?" Daddy asked confused.

"You can't just grab-"

"AH!" I screamed as dad sunk his teeth into my neck.

"LOUIS!" Pops yelled and dad pulled away.

"There, you'll change soon." He said and wiped the corner of his mouth.

Papa then slapped dad at the back of his head. "It would've been nice if you warned a guy! You can't just-"

"Why do I feel dizzy?" I asked as I stood up and swayed side to side.

"Niall take her upstairs." Daddy said.

"You'll feel a bit week but when you feel much stronger and you're full of energy you know you've changed into a vampire-and you're sleeping! Right!" Dad said and clapped his hands together.

"Let's all go back to bed."

*next morning*

I woke up and I felt stronger.

Papa said that it won't happen that fast.

I just shrugged it off and went to brush my teeth.

But, I went wide eyed when I didn't see my reflection.

"AH!" I screamed and ran into my room.

"Y/N!" I heard them all yell.

I went to get them but dad already opened the door he fell, papa came in with dad's plastic sword, pops came in with his pillow and daddy don't a karate pose.

"Are you hurt?!" Papa asked.

"Yeah I hurt my knee when I fell down but I think-"

"Not you!" Papa said cutting dad off.

"I still hurt my knee." Dad mumbled and stood up.

"Are you alright, lov-SHE HAS FANGS!" Dad yelled.

"You said it doesn't work that fast." I said to papa.

"It's very rare. Probably cause you're younger." Papa said looking at my fangs.

"Right, so how am I going to control myself at school?" I asked and they went wide eyed.

"Oh jumping cats on a car we forgot about school!" Pops said.

"Right, well if you have the thirst for blood, put your head down and breathe deeply." Daddy said.

"People are going to think she's having a panic attack." Pops said.

"Do you have a better idea?" Daddy asked.

"We'll bring you home at lunch and you'll leave school." Dad said. 

"She can't just leave school." Papa said.

"Why not? She can't go to school in they state. My god, what will her teachers say when they see her teeth poking out of her mouth!" Dad said.

"Right, ok. Tomorrow we'll come with you to school and get your leavers form signed and that's your school days over." Papa said and I nodded.

*at school*

"Behave, don't smoke, don't do any drugs, don't let a boy come up and nearly swallow you, don't get into trouble, if a teacher is being a bitch go all Tomlinson sass that your dad taught you and if a girl is being a bitch to you give her a slap! Don't come home with a love bite and don't hurt yourself! LOVE YOU BYE!" Papa said and they left.

"I love your family." Jessica said laughing as she came up beside me.

"Yeah, they're not normal."

"Hey so you want to come to my house after school?" Jessica asked as we walked into school.

"Oh I'm sorry, I can't. I'm leaving at lunch and tomorrow I'm leaving school for good." I said smiling innocently as she looked at me shocked.

"Leaving school for good? What? When was this happening?! You could've gave me a few days or weeks notice!" Jessica said and I felt bad.

"I'm sorry but we just talked it over today. It was a bit sudden." I said scratching the palm of my hand the thing I do when I'm nervous.

"A bit sudden! No this conversation of you leaving is a bit sudden! Jesus Y/n if you're just going to lie to me then what sort of friendship is this!?" She asked and I looked at her shocked.

"Ask my dads and they'll tell you that it was just talked about this morning!" I said and she scoffed.

"What's the reason?" Jessica asked.

"I can't tell you." I mumbled.

"You're meant to be my best friend, Y/n! I tell you things that I'm not meant to tell anyone!" Jessica said and I sighed.

"We ARE best friends but I can't tell you this. I'm sorry." I said.

"Do you know what, Y/n? Just leave me alone, I'm done." Jessica said and shoulder bashed me as she headed to her boyfriend's locker.

"Awww did Jessica finally have enough of little pathetic Y/n?" Olivia said as she pouted but looked at me up and down in disgust.

"Fuck off, Olivia." I said and pushed past her.

"That's not very nice!" She said as she and her little group of bitches followed me.

"Aww did I hurt your feelings?" I asked as I mocked the pout she had on her face.

"Don't act smart, you stupid bitch." She spat and pushed me.

I shook my head and giggled. "Want to push me again, slut?" I said pushed her back but she went flying into the wall.

I went wide eyed as she looked at me shocked and her and her friends ran off.

"Shit!" I said and ran out of school and back home.

*back home*

"Why are you back? Is it lunch time already?" Dad asked and pops came running downstairs.

"Did someone say lunch?" He asked as he brought a fork out of his pocket.

"Y/n's home." Dad said.

"I pushed Olivia into a wall and the wall was 10 feet away from me. I never even pushed her that hard!" I said.

"Oh for the love of Christmas turkey." Pops mumbled.

"Why did you push her into the wall?" Dad asked rubbing his eyes while sighing.

"Because the stupid bitch pushed me. Plus, Jessica hates me because I told her I'm leaving school tomorrow and I'm not telling her the reason why. She's got a big mouth she'll tell everyone in China!" I said.

"Fair point. How about we just make you leave today? Less hassle." Dad suggested.

"I don't see why not." Papa said handing me a bottle.

"What's this?" I asked confused looking at the bottle.

"It's blood. You must be starving." Papa replied.

"Can I not just drain the life out of Jessica?" I asked and papa sighed.

"What has she done?" He asked.

"She basically hates me now because I'm not telling her why I'm leaving school. I haven't told her obviously because she's got the biggest mouth in the school. She literally knows everything about everybody and as soon as something happens with people everyone goes right to her." I said.

"Well as long as you didn't tell her the truth. Now, why are you home so early?" Papa then asked and I chuckled nervously.

"You know Olivia?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah the bitch who does everything for attention, I remember her." Papa replied.

"I may or may not have pushed her into a wall that was like 10 feet away from me." I said and smiled innocently.

"How the hell did you manage-OH!" Papa said and went wide eyed.

"What? What?!" I asked also going wide eyed.

"That's your vampire strength. Should've warned you about that. Sorry." Papa said and I nodded.

"Why are you home? Are you hurt? Did you get into trouble? Are you ill? Whats wrong?!" Daddy asked as he came downstairs.

"She found out about her vampire strength because she pushed that Olivia girl into the wall and she ran out of the school before she could get into trouble." Pops explained taking a deep breathe at the end.

"Did you have a reason?" Daddy asked.

"She pushed me first." I replied.

"Wait hold up! You didn't tell us that! Who the hell does this bitch thinks she is? Oh thats it, I don't care if she's just a teenage girl, I'm going to fucking drain the fucking life out of her!" Dad said and went to get his coat on.

"Louis don't be stupid!" Papa said.

"I'm not being stupid! I'm being reasonable! She laid a hand on our daughter, Harry! There's no way in hell shes getting away with that! Liam come help me!"

"Are you really going down to the school and expose yourself to everyone that you're a vampire?" Pops asked and dad clicked his tongue.

"Y/n, when school is over, you will take me to her home and we'll meet her there and we will attack. Liam I won't need your assistance anymore. Thank you for your time." Dad said and closed the door.

"Are we not going to school anyway? We need her to sign her leavers form?" Pops said.

"Oh shit yeah. Come on, love." Dad said and we both left.

"Pip pip! Cheerio! Tata! Peace out!" I said and left.

"Right ok, so we'll get your form signed and we'll find that Olivia girl and maybe bring Jessica." Dad said as we got into the car.

"Oh hello." Jessica and Olivia said as we opened the door.

"Can we help you?" Dad asked.

"We want the truth!"

Don't worry they'll be a part two!

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