Miss Independent

By lovelikejay

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Odell Beckham Jr meets this girl who's unlike any other. He has to chase her around something he's not used t... More



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By lovelikejay

I woke up and found Odell not here with me and I bet he said bye to me while I was asleep so I don't know where he went. I called his phone and he answered.

"Babe where are you?" I ask him. "I went out I'll be back later." He replies. "Okay then bye baby." I say. "Bye Alexis." He says. I hang up and I go and get showered and dressed.

I jog downstairs only to find Ms.Heather in the kitchen with a plate for me. "Goodmorning Miss Heather." I say to her. "Good morning Alexis." She says to me. "Where is everyone?" I ask her because not even Jazzy is here.

"Jazzy had a summer camp thing so Derek went with her and Odell had a meeting today, but that's okay now we can have mother and soon to be daughter bonding." She says while I eat. "Okay well that sounds fun." I reply.

"So how are you and O doing?" She asks me. "We're doing great from what I can tell." I reply. "Oh that's good because I know sometimes you two can have disagreements."she says to me. I nod because what am I suppose to answer to that.

"But let me just ask do you think you are ready to marry Odell?" She asks. "Don't you think that's a bit extreme.." she adds. I feel anger kind of bubbling in me because this sounded like an insult more than a concerned question. "I think we ready I know most people probably don't agree but I think if we happy and feel ready then why does it really matter?" I reply trying not to be disrespectful.

"Yeah Alexis but I don't know if being a wife is something you know much about, it's about sacrifice, and with Odell's career you going have to give up a lot also I don't think you ready to be a wife." She says and I feel like she's basically telling me she disapproves of me and Odell getting married. "Well Ms. Heather I'm sorry you feel that way but I'll make sure I prove you wrong or change your mind with my marriage that is going to happen." I say to her.

"If that's what you think then I am in no position to tell you otherwise just be careful because I know how Odell is." She says. "Well thank you for worrying I know you are his mother and you know best for him but I promise you I Odell is in good hands." I say. "Well I just wanted to talk to you and make sure everything is okay." She says and then my phone starts ringing. She nods saying for me to answer it and I do.

"Hey princess go outside I got a car waiting for you." He says. "Alright where am I going?" I ask. "To meet me so I can take you somewhere to eat and we can talk." He says. "Alright I'll see you soon bye babe." I say and he says bye and hangs up.

"Well Odell sent a car for me so I gotta go but bye Ms.Heather." I say to her. "Bye Alexis have fun." She replies. I get up and walk out to the car and I get in. The driver drives to a restaurant and I see Odell sitting on one of the outside tables. I got a few things on my mind so I'm hoping he's just calm today, because I have actual things to talk about like how his mom came at me today.

I wake up to him and give him a hug. "Hey Odell." I say. "Hey Lex what you been doing today?" He asks me. "Well not much I ate earlier and I kind of had a conversation with your mom that left me a little in my feelings but I could ask you what you've been doing.." I say. "Well I'm glad you brought that up cause I need to tell you about that." He says and my heart kind of drops because that doesn't sound good at all.

"Well tell me." I say. "Today I had a meeting with my lawyer you know like that handles all technicalities and he came to me saying that I don't need to get married and if I do the first thing I need is a prenup, BUT before you say anything I'm not saying that is what I want but it's something that they basically I need that shit like it's not an option, they saying that all athletes should have one, but with the position I'm in they think I need it." He says and he's trying to like make it less bad but honestly I don't like the sound of that.

"Well I know you know me and I don't think we need one because that's like making this relationship a business." I say to him. "But it's not they just want me to be protected if anything ever go bad." He says. "Well if you think there is a possibility of things going bad then I don't think we ready to be married since you need to protect yourself from me, and you don't think this going last." I say because he's basically saying what his mom said to me this morning.

"Why would you say some shit like that Alexis like where the fuck you getting this shit from?" He asks me and I can tell he's getting upset to.

"I'm getting this shit from you, ya mother, ya lawyers you all don't thi-" I begin to say but he cuts me off. "What do you mean my mother? What she say to you?"He asks me. "Well basically in simple words she said she don't think me and you need to be marrying each other cause we ain't ready, and that we don't know shit bout being married, and that I wouldn't make a good wife cause according to her I ain't ready for that shit." I say to him. "Now you telling me you feel the same way!" I say as my anger starts to rise for the second time today.

"Well I don't know what she talking bout but I don't think she meant that cause she love you Lex, but like I was saying I'm not saying this shit I'm just letting you know what the attorney said."he says calming down a bit.

"I don't think you against a prenup though cause you just so chill with it like you really think I would do some shit to you if we was to break up?" I ask him. "No I don't but that's just a precaution that my lawyers want." He says calmly. "Okay but what do you want?" I ask him. "I mean I see where they coming from-"he says but I cut him off. "Okay so you want a prenup but that shit not cool like why do we need to get married if you don't trust me." I say and I don't understand the point of prenups because if you getting married that's the last thing you need to be thinking is what happens if y'all get a divorce..

"Alexis I'm trying to marry you if not I wouldn't of fucking asked but shit I ain't think you'd be this upset bout a little prenup." He says and I can tell his temper is getting the best of him right now.

"Odell the problem is not the fucking prenup the problem is that it means you don't trust me, it means that you don't see this lasting forever, like people already doubting us I don't need to see doubts from you too." I say and my emotions switch and now I want to cry instead of turn up and yell at him.

"Alexis that's not what I'm trying to say I'm just delivering the message, I ain't say I wanted one." He replies. "But you not acting like you don't want it, like we not ready to be married if you can honestly sit here and say you don't trust me to be a good wife to you." I say as the tears I was trying to avoid start to stream down my cheeks.

"Babe don't cry, I brought you here to have fun with me not to get upset." He says and he embraces me into a hug and I'm honestly mad at him especially because he's the one who asked me to marry him like this wasn't even in the my mind yet.

"I'm trying Odell." I say wiping my tears. "You know what imma make sure there is no prenup, I'm going to also talk to my mom and see what happened and everything going be just the way you like it ok?" He says to me. I nod and then he kisses my forehead.


"Alexis!" Odell yells from downstairs. "I'm coming chill out!" I hell as I finish putting on my shoes. I grab my stuff and run downstairs because Odell is taking me to LSU where he basically grew up in. I was pretty excited to go and see it because he talks so much about it.

"I'm ready!" I say to him. "Alright you are already?" He asks me. "Yes I did when you was taking a shower now let's go!!!" I say to him. "Alright let's go." He says as he follows me out.

When we get to the LSU campus Odell leads me to a training room where he used to practice in. I see a bunch of sweaty boys running and jumping around and I'm just used to this now because of Odell. However when we walk in everyone completely stops all their movement.

"Hey man!" They all day and embrace him in a hug. "And who this?" One of them says pointing at me which cues everyone to look over and wave at me.

"That's my fiancé." Odell says and I see Kavarha and he comes and gives me a hug. "How you been shorty?" He says to me. "I've been good with Odell every single day.." I say with a fake pout. "Babe shut up you know you love being with me."Odell yells as he picks up a football. "At least y'all two good." Kav says laughing at us. Odell chucks the football at Kav barely missing my head. I snap my neck in his direction and cut my eyes at him. "I was aiming for your big ass head!" He yells playfully. I take the ball from Kav and throw it at Odell and it makes everyone in the room stop and stare at me because they ain't think I knew how to throw a football probably.

"Aye Odell's girl you want a quarterback scholarship?" One of them says playfully to me. "No I think I'm good." I reply laughing. I feel someone grab me and lift me off the ground and I scream. When they set me down I hear Odell and everyone else laughing they head off so when I turn around I see Jarvis laughing harder then anyone else.

"Hey Lex." He says with a cheeky smile. "No! I could of died." I say playfully. "You dramatic as hell." Jarvis says to me. "I ain't being dramatic.." I reply. "Whatever but how O get your ass out here?" He asks me. I roll my eyes because he swears I know nothing about sports.

"I wanted to come dummy." I reply. "That OBJ dick something serious." Jarvis says playfully and I smack his arm because he always thinks inappropriately. "Man leave her alone she just wanted to see where I grew up." Odell says.

"As y'all best man I think you need to take Lex home for some sexy time cause she giving me a death glare." Jarvis says and I smack his arm again. Odell starts to play with the guys and starts showing them drills he personally does, so me and Jarvis duck our and sit on a bench on the other side of the room.

"So whats been going on with you and O?" he asks me. "well.." I say holding up my left hand with the ring to him. "I know that but like what else? He told me you guys been arguing." he says and I guess he is right. I didn't know Odell noticed it but I'm kind of happy that he cares enough to say something to his friend. "well he aint lie to you." I say. "then come on tell Papa Jarvis." he says and I try not to burst out laughing.

"I mean he wants a prenup...people don't think we ready to get married, or that I'm ready to be a wife...Oh and i accidentally hired his past hoe." I say summing things up. "Odell wants a what?!...nah that don't sound like Odell that man is in love, he know that y'all love is real, he can't be asking for no prenup I don't believe the shit..." Jarvis says and his reaction is kind of surprising to me because I thought he'd be for a prenup. "I mean he offered me a prenup saying something bout some lawyers but he aint sound like he was against it.." I reply. "you know Odell tries to keep his cool, only for you cause he don't want you to see him sweat but he aint for a prenup I can promise you that, I know my brother and he aint that kind of guy." Jarvis says and this does make me feel better only because Jarvis is Odell's closest friend so I know he's right on this.

"who you hire though? was it...nevermind I aint bout to list names and piss you off..." Jarvis says because he knows how jealous I can be. "this girl Tabatha." i say. "ah shit thats the crazy bitch...she tried to give herself a black eye to get Odell to pay attention to her, when he didn't she tried to say something about his abused her but we all knew it won't real." he says Odell aint tell me shit about how she was crazy but he did mention the fact that she won't right in the head so this new information for me.

"damn Odell aint tell me non of that but she did try to pretend she aint know Odell now she claim she's his ex..." I say to him. "she lying Odell never dated her, she was a dancer he just happened to bone a few times." He says. I kind of shudder at the thought of Odell in bed with someone else besides me because its a difficult thought to process but I know shit happened, I know I met him after his player days...

"but Jarvis I don't know me and Odell been going back and forth lately, one day we are good and pouring out feelings then he's like distant or has some bullshit like the prenup, like that day I wanted to leave Louisiana because his mom even told me she doesn't think I ready to be a wife to Dell." I say pouring out my feelings. "don't sweat him he still learning about relationships but I know that boy love you so don't stress that." he says to me.

"what you guys talking bout?" odell says as he comes and sits next to me on the bench. "you mostly." I reply. "aw you still sad babe?" he asks me. I roll my eyes at him and he plants a kiss on my cheek. "Odell treat her right man she reported to much foul shit." Jarvis says playfully. "I'm trying to do better for my baby." Odell says to Jarvis.

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