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I tried to go to sleep but the house kept echoing noises. I wanted to stay calm but my heart was racing and I was basically panicking in my mind. I tried to listen as carefully as possible to try to come up with a simple explanation but I couldn't. I couldn't take it anymore but I didn't want to check to come face to face with someone in my house.

I grabbed my phone and I dialed my dads number, crazy right? I've always been a daddy's little girl though so. "Daddy!" I say as soon as he he answers. "Yeah what's wrong Princess?" He asks me. "I'm sorry to wake you up, but I'm kind of scared, I keep hearing noises in my house, I don't see nothing on the camera, can you come over to check if no ones here?" I ask him. "I'll be there as soon as possible, hang tight alright?" He says. "I'm trying, I keep hearing noises like the floorboards when someone steps on them, hurry okay?" I say. "You all okay though right?" He asks me. "I think so, Kenzie is with me, and Ava is in her room, but I can see through the baby monitor that she's fine.." I reply. "Alright call me if anything new happens I'm driving as fast as I can." My dad says. He hangs up and then I hug Kenzie close because I'm starting to freeze up with fear. I guess I might have a bit of irrational fear of noises but it only comes at night. I'm never able to sleep because the noises in the house are always scary but then now I feel a presence in my house I don't know why!

I spent five minutes just alternating between cameras until I saw my dads car pull into the gate. I disarmed my alarms and unlocked the front door with my app. A few moments later my dad jogged up the steps to my room.

"Where's Odell?" He asks me. "He's not here he's out.." I reply. "I know I texted him on my way here." He says. "Dad why would you do that!" I almost yell. "I wanted to make sure you were okay, but stay put, imma go check around the house.." my dad says. "Okay.." I reply.

He then proceeds to check my entire house from every room, to every closet, to every window, and anything in between.

While my dad was searching the house I saw Odell's car pull up to my house! Great now he's here! Note the sarcasm.

I went downstairs and I closed my room door so Kenzie didn't wake up. My dad then came from my kitchen. "Well I checked everywhere the house is empty, you sure you okay?" He asks me. "I'm fine, I'm sorry for bothering you." I reply. "Nah if you ever don't feel safe call me." He says. Then Odell walks in and he looks like he just woke up.

"What's going on? Are you and the girls okay?" Odell asks. "Yeah I checked the house, everything is clear, she just had a scare." My dad says. "Where were you though?" My dad asks Odell. "Well Sir, I don't know if you're daughter told you but I'm not staying in the house at this moment." Odell replies. "Why not?" My dad asks him.

"I'd rather not get into it.." Odell replies. "Dad drop it please." I add. "Nah I want to know what happened.." my dad says. "She found out I was cheating on her...in a way." Odell replies. My dad doesn't even say anything instead he swings and clocks Odell in the jaw. I grab my dad before he hits him again.

"Dad stop, it's not this serious, can you please leave us alone.." I say. "I'm sorry Mr. Iverson." Odell adds as he holds his jaw. "I don't want to hear shit you gotta say!" My dad says to him. "Stop dad!" I almost cry out.

"Alright I'll check up on you later..bye princess." My dad says as he kisses my cheek. He then proceeds to walk out of the house. Odell is still holding his jaw so I go and get him an ice pack from the fridge.

"Come here I'm sorry about my dad.." I say. I walk to the living room and I pay a space on my lap for him to put his head. He agrees and lays his head down. I then place the ice pack on his jaw so it doesn't swell up.

"It's okay it's my fault I deserve that." Odell says. "I would do the same thing if someone did something like that to Kenzie or Ava.." Odell says.

"Yeah but my dad didn't need to hit you.." I reply. "What happened though? He texted me, the message scared me so I raced over." Odell says to me.

"Nothing I heard something and I thought someone was in the house.." I reply. I then proceed to sit down on the couch and Odell follows. "You alright though?" He asks me. "I'm fine, I'm just tired, I can't sleep, I'm trying to get a doctors appointment to get sleeping pills." I say. "Why would you need sleeping pills?" Odell asks me.

"I can't sleep, I keep hearing noises at night so I'm stressed out...I'm up all night tossing and turning in the bed.." I say to him. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. "Odell I'm fine all day long it's just when I come home, things kind of shift...I don't want to talk to you that's why I didn't call you today, my dad just had to put his two cents in a call you.." I say with a sigh.

"Nah I'm happy he told me, he probably hates me now but at least I know that you're okay." Odell says and if I wasn't so mad at him I'd literally melt into his arms after he said that.

"I'm going to be okay, I have to it's just me and the girls after you made your choice." I say to him. "Alexis look I love you, I know I messed up...and I don't know what to do to make it better.." he says. "That's the thing you can't make it better! Explain to me why a married man needs to be going out on dates?" I say. "I wasn't thinking, I take the responsibility for it, I'm just so stuck in my player ways that I didn't think about how it would affect me.." Odell says. "How do you think I'm suppose to feel when someone who comes home to me everyday tells me he loves me but is out with someone else.." I cry out.

"I know it hurt..." Odell replies. "So that's the problem, I wanted to be with you because I thought that we were good together, that you loved me as much as I loved you, that you showed me time and time again how much you love me but yet you do things that hurt me...honestly Odell what you did hurt me so much more than anything Christian ever did because I thought you were my protector, like you were literally everything to me, but like always I was wrong...I don't know what else I could possibly do to make you not want anyone else...like I know I'm not always home, I know we don't go out much because of the kids, and I know I'm not perfect but damnit I thought you accepted that, and that you loved me anyways..I'm sorry for over estimating what you're willing to deal with.." I say. I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulder after I let this all out to Odell.

"Look there isn't anyone more perfect in the world than you, I can't tell you why I did those things because I have no reasonable explanation, I love you more than anything in this life but I messed up, I won't there for you every time you needed me most and I've failed you in so many ways, I've disrespected you, I've done things I can't even believe I did to someone I claim I love but yet I know I love you, you're my wife, the mother of my child, you're everything and I don't know what to do now without you.." Odell says. I see a tear in his eye and I wanted to bawl my eyes out with him..

"Odell you were suppose to be my best friend..." I croak out. I can't say anymore because I just feel a lump in my throats forming and I don't want to cry anymore. I'm tired of crying.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say.." Odell says. He reaches out and grabs my hands and I honestly feel the same spark I did when we first met.

He ended up pulling me onto his lap, while I just tried to wipe the tears before they came. "I'm sorry princess, you shouldn't be crying over me.." Odell says as he holds me close. "I shouldn't but honestly, I love you, I fell in love with you and now it's not easy being without you.." I say. "I know Alexis, I know all of this, I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate myself." He says. He kisses my forehead and honestly I can't even talk anymore. I just decide to enjoy this silence.

We end up laying down on the couch with him having his arms wrapped around me. I was actually able to fall asleep peacefully. However at one point during the night I felt him get up.

"Where are you going?" I ask him. "I ain't want you to be cold I'm getting a blanket.." he replies. "I was fine in your arms but hurry up I'm tired." I say. "Alright I'll be right back." He says. He is back in less than a minute so that's good. When he came back he laid down behind me on the couch, covered us up with the blanket, and then after a few minutes I was able to fall asleep peacefully. His strong arms wrapped around me were honestly all I needed to feel safe and that's the way I slept tonight.

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