Miss Independent

By lovelikejay

276K 5.9K 543

Odell Beckham Jr meets this girl who's unlike any other. He has to chase her around something he's not used t... More



3.2K 64 37
By lovelikejay

Alexis Pov
I'm in my office and I don't want to be here at all! Today is Odell's last game of the season and I wish I could be there with him instead of here working but duty calls..

The secretary from the front desk shoots me a text saying a girl is here looking for me and I know it's a girl I set up a interview with. I reply and tell her to send her in.

While I'm waiting I get a call from Odell and I answer it on the first ring. "Hey baby." Odell says. "Hey baby I miss you soooo much." I say. "I was just with you this morning princess." He replies. "But now you in Chicago and won't be with me tonight.." I say in a whiny voice. "I know but how's Chicago.?" I ask him since he's there playing the bears. "I mean I wish you were here but it's fun." He says. "That's why I can't wait to get our tattoos so we can always be with each other." I reply. "Oh I can't wait to see your sexy ass." Odell says. "I'll send you something later baby." I say because I know what he says...

"Baby FaceTime me and show me something.." he says with a whiny tone in his voice. "No I got someone bout to walk in.." I reply. "Aw you going have to hang up on me ain't you?" He asks and right on cue this girl walks in.

She was bad or whatever...but right now I'm focused on being on the phone with my baby. "Baby I gotta go she just walked in." I say. "Aw I'm going miss you.." he says. "I'm going miss you to but I love you so much baby." I reply. "I love you too." He replies and then I hang up.

"I'm sorry I was on the phone.." say to the girl. "Oh it's fine but hey I'm Tabatha!" She says sweetly. I go up and give her a hug and she kind of holds on a little longer then expected. "Hey I'm Alexis." I reply.

"I know!" She says. "Anyways take a seat and tell me about yourself.." I say. "Well I'm Tabatha, I'm 24..". She says trailing off. "Where did you used to work or work at now?" I asked her. "Well I'm a dancer right now but I saw how pretty your modeling place is so I had to slide through and maybe get a chance to talk to you!" She says.

"If you don't mind me asking aren't you OBJ's girlfriend?" She asks me. "No actually he is my fiancée." I reply. "Aw congratulations.." she says and I feel that this comment wasn't genuine but maybe I'm tripping.

"And I was on a season of bad girls club but none of the girls was bad as you." She says. Sucking up to me well I mean it's fine for now..

"Thank you but do you mind standing up so I can get a look at you." I say. She stands up and twirls around. She got a nice body maybe I could give her a chance see if she's good at modeling..

"Oh and my ass is not as big as yours but at least it's something.." she says poking out her butt towards me. "This real?" I ask her. "Yeah it all came for hard work in the gym, you can feel if you want.."she says. I smack her ass one time cause who don't like booty?

"Well I like what I see, and I looked over your headshots and you are gorgeous so I would like to invite you to join our studio. Just go to the front and they will direct you to Aaleeyah's office where you can discuss contracts." I say because Aaleeyah deals with the more business part of it with the models.

"Also do you mind coming in tomorrow so we can have you join a photo shoot I'm doing." I say so I can test her out and see how she does. "Yes I'll be here!" She says. "Alright thank you bye sweetie." I say and give her a hug and send her on her way.

I take this time to send Odell a picture just to make his day because I miss my fiancée. Lord that has a nice ring to it..

He don't waste no time and calls me as soon as the picture hit delivered.

"Baby!" He almost yells through the phone. "What babe?" I ask him casually. "Shitttt I miss you." He says. "I miss you to baby boy." I say to him.

"Just know when I get home imma fuck ya brains out.."he almost whispers and I feel myself getting heated with just the sound of his voice..

"I don't think I can wait until tomorrow night.." I whine. "Put ya little fingers in there and FaceTime me.."he says. "No I'm at work!" I say. "Baby come on.."he whines. I debate it in my mind because I do need some type of action but I don't know if this is a good idea.

"Come on Mrs.Beckham.." he says. I roll my eyes because he knows just what to say. I FaceTime him and I walk to lock my door then I go and sit on my chair. I place the phone on my desk so that he can see me and he's just on his hotel bed smirking.

"The shit I do for you.." I say as I unzip my jeans. I slowly slip my hand into my panties and rub my clit and I try to imagine it's Odell.

I finally put two fingers inside of myself and this is nothing compared to Odell but I know he is enjoying himself watching me. I bite my lip to hold in some moans from my own finger pumping and Odell is silent just watching.

I finish up and I show Odell my soaked fingers. I grab a baby wipe and clean my hands then I zip my pants back up.

"Damn baby I don't think I'll last till tomorrow.." he says. "I want you to come back!" I say. "I know but just be patient I got a surprise for you.." he says. "Oh god.." I say because I love his crazy surprises..

"Okay baby but I gotta go I'm going to our house to see how the living room is coming along.." I say because our house still isn't ready I've seen it a few times and I'm so excited to move in to it!

I cleaned up my office then I said bye to everyone and went on my way. I got to the house and found the moving crew still trying to load in the furniture. I look around then then I decide to go home because it's getting late and I have to keep packing everything anyways.

When I get home instead of packing I decide to watch Odell's game and of course my baby won! So I waited like an hour and then I called him. Crazy how I'm watching football and I ain't even know a thing bout football last year..

"Hey.." I say. "Hey what you doing?" He asks. "Just saw your game..you got two touch downs." I say. "Wish you was here though." He says. "Don't worry baby we bout to move in together so you going see me every single day." I say. "Can't wait for the house to be ready." He says. I wish he could see me roll my eyes right now he know he don't care bout what that house look like.

"Whatever." I say. "Mm that damn attitude here we go.."Odell says. "Shut up." I reply. "Nah but baby I'm going to bed so I can wake up early and catch this flight back home." He says. "Okay goodnight I love you Muahhhh!" I say. "I love you baby sleep tight." He says to me. I hang up and all I can do is reflect on the past year with this whirlwind relationship like I've been happy.

When he asked me to marry him I knew that I had made the right choice dating him. Not because of the ring or anything but because of the thought he put into it. I still cry tears of joy when I remember that moment.

The next day I'm up bright and early to get to the studio so I can do my photo shoot. It's a lingerie shoot and I'm trying about that new girl Tabatha and Aaleeyah is going to be modeling with us. Me and Aaleeyah barely ever have time to do a shoot together so these are crazy fun for us. I get up and take a shower then I put on some nike sweatpants a tank top and some sneakers.

When I'm ready I walk Santa then I get his food out and get him more water and now I'm on my way to the studio. When I get their I'm the last person here oh well...Aaleeyah came and handed me my lingerie for the shoot and before I started getting dressed Tabatha comes up to me.

"Hey Sexy." She says. "Hey girl." I say. "Don't you look nice." I say as I notice her already dressed. "Yeah thank you but you are probably going to look better." She says well she's sweet..

She leaves and I get the opportunity to change and shit this looks good I might have to take it home to Odell..

The first shoot was of me and Aaleeyah laying on the bed groping each other and I know if Odell saw this he would be pissed. He doesn't like to see me even looking at someone else no matter what so even if it's sexy he's very territorial.

When we finish we do a few more shoots with Tabatha and the rest of the girls and Tabatha was doing great. She made things sexy by where she would place her hand on my body or how she stood or even just her look.

At 12 they gave us a break so I went to my station and put on a robe like everyone else was doing. They took this time to touch up my hair and a few things which wasn't bad and Aaleeyah brought cupcakes which we ate then we went back to shooting.

Well they wanted some solo shots of me so some of the girls left and Aaleeyah, Tabatha and a few more stayed. I quickly took of the robe and went to the set and started posing.

"Yesssss Lex!" I could hear Lee yelling. She is literally my personal cheerleader! After a few more shots I hear the door open but I didn't look over because there is probably so many people trying to leave or come in so I just kept posing.

The photographer told me to stand a certain way so I had to face the door so when I turned my head I saw Odell. I stopped posing and basically ran into his arms.

"Hey baby." I say as he catches me. "Hey princess." He says as he pecks my lips. Everyone in the room just goes 'aww' I buried my face in Odell's neck because I really missed my husband even if we aren't married yet.

"Anyways sexy lady we are going to Louisiana during off season so we go next week so you can get your shit together." Odell says. Lord here he goes with random plans. I want to go to see where he grew up but this is so short notice.

"That's to soon.." I say. "No it's not baby.." he says. "Okay." I reply. "You excited?" He asks me. I nod and then he puts me down.

"We have enough pictures you guys can go if you want." The photographer says. Odell puts his arm around my shoulder and then waves at him. I start to clean up my things and then Tabatha comes over to me.

"Bye Alexis you look so sexy!" She says. "Bye Tabatha thank you girl." I say as I wave. Odell makes a straight face when he sees her and kind of looks away. She walks past me and lightly touches my stomach as she walks bye.

"Babe let's get you dressed so we can go home." Odell says. I go and grab my clothes and take Odell with me to the changing room. I change quickly and then we leave hand in hand.

"Give me your keys." He says to me. I hand them to him while we walk out of the studio. "Where is your car?" I ask him. "At home I came to see you before I went to drop my shit off." He says as we get in the car.

He drives me to my place and of course he takes his duffle bag from the trip and deposits it in my room. He walks Santa while I order a pizza cause I mean come on now I just want to snuggle with Odell.

When he gets back he has a weird look on his face. "Hey babe." He says kissing my cheek. "Babe what's wrong?" I ask him. "Nothing why?" He replies calmly. "Cause you was acting funny earlier." I say.

"Yeah about that who that girl who was modeling with you?" He asks me. "Uh probably Tabatha the new girl." I reply.

"Shit.." Odell says trailing off. "What's wrong?" I ask him while I pick up Santa and hug him close. I don't like the sound of Odell tone or his facial expressions regarding Tabatha.

"Nah I ain't going worry you.." he says trailing off. "Odell I ain't going play with you." I say calmly.

"I fucked her a while back, that bitch crazy as hell." Odell says. "What you mean?" I say not processing what he just said.

"I fucked her a time before I met you though, then she thought we was together and so she wouldn't leave me alone." Odell replies. "Mm okay." I say calmly because I don't know what her intentions are so I can't be mad but she knew what she was doing..

"Yeah I don't think she need to be around you." Odell adds. "I can take care of myself but I don't know if I want her working for me.." I say to him.

"I don't want her working for you, but it's always your decision." He replies. "But she didn't even mention knowing you but she knows we together because she asked me if we dating when I first did the interview.."I say trying to put things together.

"Princess don't worry bout it, if you going fire her don't think twice bout it but you can always give her a chance not what I recommend but you know I'll support whatever you say, as long as she stay away from you." He says to me. "Okay I'll talk to her but enough bout that girl let's talk bout us." I say as I gently set Santa down on the floor.

"Yeah I know about that I was trying to start planning the wedding after we moved into the new house." He says and it's crazy we haven't started even thinking about the wedding yet we are just kind of trying to get everything together before we get married so it's not stressful.

"Okay Dell but stop talking just come cuddle with me!" I yell at him playfully. "Mhm that's not the right way to ask but I'll accept it cause I missed you." He says and he picks me up and lays us both on the couch.

"So anyways what you do in Chicago?" I ask him as I adjust myself so I'm laying on his chest. "Nothing much really." He says. "You ain't talk to no bitches right?" I asked him.

"Alexis you crazy as hell." He says laughing. "I'm serious you ain't talk to no bitch right?" I say to him. "No I didn't that to any bitches babe." He replies. "Okay good." I say giving him a quick his on the base of his neck.

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