My Best Friend pt1

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I sat in my room strumming the strings on my guitar when I heard my room door just barge open. It make me jump out of my seat as I saw my best friend. I put my guitar off to the side.
"Lachlan, what are you..."
I couldn't finish before Lachlan picked me up and threw me over his shoulder like a sack. I started laughing.
"Lachlan, put me down!"
I screeched. Lachlan then threw me onto my bed. My hair was all messed up as I lay on my bed. Lachlan laughed at me.
"Who let you in?"
I questioned. Lachlan gave me a knowing look.
"Your mom. You know she loves me (Y/N)."
Lachlan replied. I rolled my eyes. It was true though. Lachlan has been my best friend ever since 2nd grade.
"You seem exited. What's up?"
I asked him and hugged my knees up to my chest. Lachlan smirked and sat in my bean bag chair.
"I have 2 new things to tell you."
Lachlan informed me. I nodded.
"Go on."
I told him. Lachlan blushed.
"The first thing is... Charlotte and I got back together!"
Lachlan told me happily. My heart sunk. I've developed feelings deeper than friends for Lachlan a couple months ago. He keeps going on and off with his girlfriend, Charlotte though. Charlotte is terrible to him. She doesn't really support his YouTube career either, which is terrible. I knew Lachlan deserves better.
I started. We talked about this before. Lachlan sighed.
"I know what you're going to say (Y/N) but this time it's different."
Lachlan assured me. I bit my lip to keep me from saying anything else.
"And secondly... The sidemen invited me to stay in the sidemen house for a couple weeks! They told me I could invite one person so..."
Lachlan started. I jumped up.
I said exited. Lachlan laughed.
"How did you know I was going to ask you?"
Lachlan questioned. Oops.
"Because I'm your best fraaaandddd."
I told Lachlan. Lachlan laughed.
"Are you coming with me then?"
Lachlan asked me. I nodded and smiled.
"Yes! I want to go to London! When do we leave?"
I asked Lachlan.
"This weekend. I got the plane tickets and everything."
Lachlan replied. I was so happy that I forgot about Charlotte. I hugged Lachlan happily and Lachlan hugged me back. I then strolled over to my ps4 and grabbed the controllers. I handed one to Lachlan.
"Until then... Whatcha wanna play?"

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