Sisters Ex Boyfriend pt5

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I spent the last 2 weeks working, going to school and seeing Lachlan.
Lachlan was such a sweet and fun guy, I really enjoyed being around him. We went to the movies, the mall and made out on his couch countless of times.
We didn't go out on public much because we feared we'd get caught.
I came back from Lachlan's house this Saturday evening and I was in my room.
I was blasting "Temporarily fix" by 1D on my speaker when Katrina barged in.
I turned down my music and gave her the evil eye. I didn't like getting interrupted while listening to my speaker.
"Where have you been for 2 weeks?"
Katrina questioned and sat at the edge of my bed. I decided to play the innocent act.
"What do you mean?"
I asked. Katrina snorted.
"I'm not stupid (Y/N). You're rarely ever home. What's his name?"
Katrina asked me. Well... the innocent act wasn't going good so far.
"No one."
I muttered. Katrina sighed.
"C'mon little sister. Spit it out."
Katrina demanded. I rolled my eyes.
"Kat, leave me be."
I told her. Katrina shook her head.
"I want to know."
"Why not?"
"You don't even care."
"Very true but I'm nosey."
I sighed. Kat was beyond stubborn.
I said through gritted teeth.
Katrina told me and stood up from my bed and flipped her hair.
"In case you wanted to know though, Lachlan Power actually texted me today. I was so surprised."
Katrina informed me. Wait, what?
I asked, very curious. Katrina smirked and nodded.
"He is a very cute boy. I might answer him."
Katrina said and walked out of my room.
"Ciao ciao little sister."
Katrina called out before shutting my room door.
I blasted my music even louder.

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