The house in the forest pt2

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"You should be a bunny."
Lachlan told me while showing me a bunny costume. I scrunched my nose.
"I think not."
I laughed lightly. Lachlan put the costume back on the rack.
"How about... a zombie?"
Lachlan suggested. I shrugged.
"Almost everyone does zombies."
I informed Lachlan. Lachlan sighed. Then... I got an idea; Why don't I be one of the spice girls?
(AN- The spice girls are a popular pop group from the 90's)
I shouted to Lachlan. Lachlan's eyes lit up.
"That's a good idea! Which one are you going to be?"
Lachlan questioned.
"Well... scary spice makes sense because if Halloween."
I answered. Lachlan nodded.
"Yeah. I guess it does. Let's find the parts to make your costume then, alright?"
Lachlan asked. I nodded as we looked around the store for costume material.
~The Next Night~
Tonight was Rob's costume party so I got dressed in my spice girl costume and waited for Lachlan to pick me up.
When I heard two honks outside, I ran out of my house and locked the door. I hopped  into Lachlan's car.
"Someone is excited."
Lachlan said and smiled. I smiled back as Lachlan leaned over to give me a quick kiss.
"You look good."
I told Lachlan, which was true. His drift costume was really accurate. His cheeks turned pink and his blue eyes shined at me.
"You too babe."
Lachlan said. I could feel his eyes scan me. I blushed and looked away.
"Thanks. So, um... are we drinking?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan nodded.
"Yeah. Why not? Not too much of course but let's call a taxi."
Lachlan said. I nodded. Lachlan called the taxi and we got out of the car to wait.

The taxi finally pulled into my driveway and Lachlan and I got in. He was an old man.
"Where to?"
The old man grunted. Lachlan told him the address and we were off.
The ride was kind of creepy... he was playing some creepy background music but i dismissed it because it was Halloween today after all.
The taxi driver drove us to a dark narrow pathway. There was no service on my phone because we were on an old dirt path. Where are we?
"Um... where are..."
Then the taxi stopped.
"You're here. Get out."
"Get. Out."
Lachlan and I got out of the car. The man was beyond creepy. He drove away as Lachlan and I stood in the cold with no lights here at all...

Lachlan Fanfics Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora