Summer Camp pt4

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I was on my bed listening to music for cabin time when a girl in my cabin climbed up my bunk and tapped my leg. I yanked off my earbuds and looked at her. I honestly didn't mean to be rude, I just didn't like getting interrupted when listening to music. I was in a moment too, damn.
I said but it sounded like a question. It was Serena. She really wasn't one of the nicest girls in our cabin. She was bossy and petty. I usually didn't talk to her because I knew I'd get annoyed.
"The girls are talking. Come join."
Serena told me. I just shrugged but followed her. By "girls", she meant her little 2 other petty friends named Ashley and Tanya.
"Soooo, what's up with you and Lachlan?"
Ashley asked me. I shrugged. I was not going to tell them that I had a massive crush on him. I would NEVER tell them that we almost kissed too.
"We totally saw you two hang out and talk these past 2 weeks."
Tanya told me. I still shrugged. Serena liked Lachlan, no doubt about that. She followed him around like a lovesick puppy when I'm not with him. I could see it on Lachlan's face that he sometimes got annoyed.
"C'mon girl, you can tell us anything."
Serena softly said with a fake smile on her lips. I still shrugged, not really interested in this conversation.
"Be right back girlies. I'm going to re-apply my gloss. Kiss kiss."
Serena told Tanya and Ashley.
"Kiss kiss."
They both replied back. "Kiss kiss." HAHA! Seriously? I wanted to burst out laughing. It took all my power to not laugh.
"It's okay. Serena is not here so you can tell us now."
Tanya whispered to me.
"We promise we won't tell Serena."
Ashley said to me. I bit my lip.
"Lachlan is my best friend here."
I told them, which was true.
"But do you like him more than that?"
Tanya asked me. I sighed.
"I honestly don't get why you guys would want to know that."
I replied. Ashley looked annoyed but kept her fake smile.
"Duh! Because we're your friends!"
Ashley told me. I shrugged. They aren't getting anything out of me. Serena then came back.
"Serenaaaaa she won't admit it."
Tanya said. Serena rolled her eyes then looked at me.
"Okay. Fine. We will do this the straight forward way then."
Serena said then got up in my face.
"You stay away from Lachlan. He is mine and if you think he's taking you to the dance next week then you're wrong. Stay away and you won't regret it."
So of course I didn't stay away and I sat beside Lachlan at art time.
We were talking and laughing like usual except I kept glancing at Serena, Tanya and Ashley. They were glaring at me from the other side of the room and I'm sure Lachlan noticed.
"Are you Fine?"
Lachlan asked me and placed his hand on my knee. My spine shivered from his touch. My whole body felt electric.
"E-erm yeah. I'm fine."
I said and smiled. Lachlan squeezed my knee and smiled back.
"You sure are."
Lachlan whispered in my ear. I laughed.
"Oh shut up!"
I said. Lachlan laughed too and I finally forgot about Serena and her friends.

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