Sisters Ex Boyfriend pt8

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I cried for 3 days.
Crying was unusual for me. I was always a happy, upbeat person.
Not anymore.
I was alone in my room when Katrina came in. I glared at her and put on my earphones. I cranked my music up high. Katrina shook her head and walked up to me. She yanked my earphones out.
I groaned. Katrina put my earphones off to the side.
"I came in here to talk to you."
Katrina informed me. I rolled my eyes. Katrina ignored my attitude.
"I always knew you liked Lachlan."
Katrina started. No. Not this conversation.
"Not anymore. You don't have to worry about that Kat. You ruined that for me too. Now go."
I forcefully said. Katrina looked taken back.
"(Y/N) listen. Lachlan and I didn't do anything. I came running to him. My makeup was smeared over my shirt so I asked for his. He couldn't tell a crying girl no."
Katrina explained. I shook my head.
"You just had to go to Lachlan."
I stated. Katrina nodded.
"I didn't have anyone else."
Katrina told me. I snorted.
"Man! I wonder why Katrina, the ice queen, the heartless cold blooded girl has no one? Hmm...?"
I sarcastically said. Katrina looked a little hurt.
"(Y/N) really?"
Katrina asked me. I nodded.
"You May get the fuck out now."
I replied. Katrina shook her head.
"This isn't you (Y/N). You're not the girl to lie around crying, listening to amnesia by 5SOS."
Katrina said to me. I shook my head.
"I wonder why the fuck why I'm like that Kat."
I told her. I could see Katrina's eyes go soft.
"Y'know... people change. Okay? I'm aware I was a bitch to you but maybe I feel guilty as fuck about it now. Maybe I want a good sister relationship but I can't if you won't give me one last chance to tell you how I feel right now."
Katrina told me, now tears spilling out of her eyes. I paused and nodded.
And so we talked it out.

Lachlan- Please. (Y/N) we need to talk.

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