Summer Camp pt3

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We always have an hour of time to ourselves and it's called quiet time. Essentially, you can't spend quiet time with more than two people. You either have a pair or you spend it alone.
Just like every quiet time for the past 4 weeks, I spent it alone. I walked around the forest then found my sitting rock that I spend the hour at.
My sitting rock had the most beautiful view though. I usually sat there to admire the view but then I heard tree branches crunch behind me. I looked and it was Lachlan. He was alone.
"Hey (Y/N). Mind if I join you?"
Lachlan asked me and smiled. I blushed and patted the spot beside me to gesture him to sit next to me.
Lachlan sat next to me and we sat there looking at the view.
1 minute went by
2 minutes
3 minuets
4 minutes
5 minutes...
"Soooo... do you like it here?"
Lachlan asked, breaking the ice. I nodded.
"I've always loved camping. I'm just insanely shy so it was hard for me to make friends. How about you?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan scratched the back of his neck.
"I like it here too. I'm honestly kind of shy too. I noticed that you were a cool and nice person (Y/N). I was too shy to talk to you until now."
Lachlan blushed and admitted. I smiled.
"Thanks Lachlan. You're not too bad yourself."
Lachlan and I had a pretty heated conversation about how it sucks to be shy and how my shyness blocks new opportunities all the time.
"I like you like this. So open and yourself. Like when you get used to a person, you show your real self."
Lachlan told me. I blushed.
"Thanks Lachy."
Lachlan smiled, his blue eyes shining. Lachlan came closer and tilted his head.
Oh no.
Oh my god.
I was about to have my first kiss.
With Lachlan Power.
Oh my god.
I didn't know how to kiss!
But I can try?
I leaned closer too. It was at the point where our lips were almost touching and our eyes were closed....



Lachlan and I jumped apart before our lips touched. The bell rings when we have to go back to the dining hall. Lachlan gave me a shy smile.
"Well... that's the bell. We should go now."
Lachlan said. My face was beet red.
"Erm.. y-yeah."
I stuttered. Lachlan stood up and extended his hand to help me up. I took his hand and Lachlan pulled me up. Then we both walked back to the dining hall, pretending as if we almost didn't kiss at all.

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