Sisters Ex Boyfriend pt2

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-3 Months Later-
I was working at Best Buy this afternoon. I just started the job 2 months ago and it's not too bad. I'm working as a cashier for now.
Towards the end of my shift, I saw a familiar looking blonde guy coming my way.
Adorable as always, peacefully walking towards me with a movie in hand and a smile on his face.
My heart started beating rapidly. I thought my stupid little crush on Lachlan was gone.
Apparently not.
"Hey (Y/N). Long time no see."
Lachlan greeted me while beaming. I smiled and blushed.
"Hey Lachlan. How have you been?"
I asked while Lachlan gave me the movie 22 Jump Street. I scanned it.
"I've been fine. I just decided I needed a little movie break."
Lachlan responded while looking for a 20 dollar bill to pay for the movie.
"That's nice. You're my last costumer."
I Informed Lachlan. Lachlan handed me $20.
"Really? What are you up to this evening then?"
Lachlan asked me. I gave Lachlan his change and the movie.
"Hm... a whole load of nothing. My best friend Makayla is at her dads house this week."
I explained. Lachlan nodded.
"I remember Makayla. She used to come to your house all the time unless she went to her dads house."
Lachlan said, looking back at the memory. Makayla was my best friend since year 9. Her parents are separated so she lives with her mom. Sometimes she'll spend the week with her dad but her dad lives an hour away from where we live.
Was all I responded with. It felt nice talking to Lachlan again. He was truly a nice guy.
"We should hang out more often... unless you feel uncomfortable because of your sister..."
Lachlan shyly suggested. I honestly didn't care what Katrina thought of me. She already hated me enough.
"No, we should start hanging out again. I missed you Lachy."
I confessed. Lachlan blushed.
"I missed you too (Y/N). Do you want to maybe come over to my place and watch this movie with me? I can make popcorn and everything."
Lachlan offered. I smiled and nodded.
"Sure. What time? I have to go home and dress into something that's not my Best Buy uniform."
I chucked. Lachlan laughed.
"Is 7:39 Okay?"
Lachlan asked. I nodded.
"7:30 is perfect."

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