Dear Diary pt1

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Dear Diary,
I know this is so fourth grade. Writing in a diary and starting off with "dear diary". I'm in 11th grade and 16 years old writing in a diary... whatever. There is no law saying you can't.
Any-fucking-ways school started up last week and it fucking sucks. It's full of rowdy jocks and Taylor Swift wanna be's. Not saying that Taylor is a bitch... okay I worded that wrong.
Love you TS.
It doesn't help that I'm a social outcast and very mentally ill.
Yes, I am a depressed and full of Social anxiety and anxiety in general.
Basically what I'm saying is that I'll most likely jump in front of a bus if I don't take my daily dose of antidepressants.
I'm okay in school, logic wise. I've always gotten B's and few cheeky A's. Most days I didn't have any motivation to do any work at all which got me a B- in geography class.
And there is always a boy. I honestly didn't want to be that teenage clichè but yes I'm sorta in love lust with him.
I've liked him since 9th grade.
He had golden blonde hair and beautiful ocean blue eyes. This year he sits in front of me in my English class and 3 desks to the right in history class.
Only, like every other person in the school, I'm invisible to him.
I haven't talked to him once.
By him I mean Lachlan.
Lachlan Ross Power.
I will never have the confidence to speak to him so it's kind of useless writing about him.
I honestly only write in this stupid thing because I don't have anyone else to talk to.
You're a book and I fucking feel you pitying me.
I hate pity. I am depressed. So what? I have social anxiety? So what?
I don't need pity, I need antidepressants.
I would be stupid and write little "fun facts" about me but I played ice breakers last week in school so I had enough of telling people boring useless shit about myself.
Any-fucking-ways I gotta go before I'm late for hell.
I'm sure you know what hell is.
How do I end this?
Write soon? Cya? Goodbye?
How do I end this?

I closed up my stupid diary that I bought at the dollar store yesterday. It was black and it said title____ at the front. I was too lazy to title it to be honest.
I got ready for school and walked to school. My school was only 10 minuets away. It wasn't too bad.

I stuffed my bag in my locker and made my way to homeroom which was English class.
I sat down in my seat as all the obnoxious kids gathered around in their little groups talking about who the fuck cares.
I got out my phone and went onto wattpad to read fanfics. I had no romantic life so why not enter the world of wattpad and pretend I do?
The bell finally rang as announcements started.
Anddddd the day starts.

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