Summer Camp pt5

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I walked into my cabin all muddy and wet. We just finished playing a tug of war game in mud. Serena and her friends were in the cabin for the whole game because "ew! Mud!" I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing when they told our cabin counsellor.
The girls who did participate went in the showers. I took a quick shower, making sure that the mud and dirt was out of my hair and body. Then I got a pair of comfortable clothes and put them on.
While I was brushing my hair, Serena then walked up to me.
"Hey (Y/N). Can I please talk to you?"
Serena asked me. I rolled my eyes. I'm honestly not in the mood for Serena's attitude.
I responded. Serena pouted.
"No please (Y/N). This is serious. Ashley and Tanya won't even be joining us."
Serena begged. I sighed and put down my hair brush.
"Jheez Serena. Fine."
I gave in. Serena smiled and led me to the cabin porch. She sat down and I sat down beside her.
"Look (Y/N)... I'm... I'm really sorry for being such a bitch to you for these past few weeks."
Serena apologized. Well that was shocking.
I stuttered, unsure what to say.
"No, I know you don't have to forgive me. I only realized this because Lachlan told me how rude and bitchy I was being toward you. He told me to stop and I think I should stop too so I'm very very sorry."
Serena told me. Wow. How nice of Lachlan to realize how mean Serena was being and put a stop to it. My heart melted.
"It's alright. I appreciate you apologizing though."
I forgave her because why not? The dance was in 3 days and the morning after the dance, we leave camp. Serena smiled.
"Oh... Also I need to give you this. Lachlan already mentioned to me what it was."
Serena told me and handed me a folded slip of paper. I opened it and read it.
Can you
Do you want to go to the dance with me?
I blushed as soon as I read it. Serena smiled at my reaction.
"But... don't you like him?"
I asked Serena. Serena shook her head.
"I see how much he likes you (Y/N). I can find another date. I have another boy on my mind anyways."
Serena approved. I smiled.
"I'm going to say yes."
I told her.
"Aww cute! Um, Lachy is very shy about this so I will tell Ashley to tell Lachlan you said yes. I recommend not talking about the dance to Lachlan because it makes him nervous. He never asked someone to the dance before."
Serena told me. Aw! That's cute how nervous he is. He doesn't have to be nervous around me at all.
"Oh. Okay awesome. Thanks Selena."
I thanked Selena. Selena hugged me.
"Anytime girl."
Well. Looks like I have a date to the dance.

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