Ski Trip pt4

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"He did what?!"
Lachlan asked angrily. I didn't expect Lachlan to be this mad.
I started to say.
"No. I'm going to..."
Lachlan said and stood up. I grabbed his arm.
"Lachlan no. Please. It was my fault too just please... forget about it... for me?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan sighed and took my hand in his.
"Fine. But you tell me if he ever does anything... okay?"
Lachlan told me in a soft tone. I nodded.

The next day, I woke up early to go skiing again with Lachlan. I met up with him for breakfast, then we went to the hills.
Before Lachlan put all his gear on, he excused himself to the bathroom. I sat there and put my gear but behind me, there were girls talking loud.
"Lachlan is adorable. I think I'm going to go for him on this trip."
I heard a girl named Juliet announce to her friend Gemma.
"But didn't you go for Brent last year? And on the other trip you went for..."
Gemma said but Juliet interrupted.
"So? Lachlan is cute. I'm going to ski with him."
Juliet told Gemma.
"Who am I gonna ski with?"
Gemma wined. Juliet sighed.
"Ski with that girl that he's friends with. Get her out of the way and plus you have a skiing buddy."
Juliet said. My cheeks flushed and my heart beat fast. They couldn't see me.
Gemma said as they both walked out of the ski hut. Then Lachlan came back.

I skied 3 hills with Lachlan before I lost him on the 4th hill. I waited to see where he was but he was no where to be found. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder.
I automatically replied but it was Gemma. Behind her, I saw Juliet talking to Lachlan. My heart sunk.
"Hey (Y/N). Want to ski down a couple of hills with me?"
Gemma asked me. I felt so rude to say no so I faked a smile.
"Erm... yeah. Sure."

Going down the hill with Gemma was annoying. She didn't like racing or doing tricks. At the bottom of the hill I'd always see Lachlan racing and doing tricks with Juliet. It made my heart full of jealousy.

At the end of the day, I finally stopped skiing and went to dinner. I looked around for Lachlan but found him sitting with Juliet. I saw Gemma coming toward me at the corner of my eye and bolted to my room. I'll just eat dinner in my room anyways.

The next day, I woke up late and missed breakfast accidentally. It was 2pm so I rushed to the hill right away so I don't waste the day. I guess Gemma couldn't find me at first because she was skiing with other girls this time. I looked around and saw Lachlan with Juliet again. This time they were laughing and she was touching his arm. I quickly looked away.

I skied alone for almost the whole day until Simon came up to me.

"(Y/N) please hear me out."
Simon begged me. I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me doing so.
"Simon, we're on a hill."
I reminded him. Simon sighed.
"Fine. Can we please talk later then? I really need to talk to you."
Simon begged me again.
I responded. I'll just listen to what he has to say.
"Want to ski with me until then?"

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