Anonymous Friend pt5

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Rozes 2018-08-4
I'm so so nervous... Wish me luck guys!

My heart pounded after I posted that. Today was the day I meet Curtis. Nervous was definitely the word to describe myself right now.
I had to find out what I was going to wear.
There were piles of clothes all over my floor until I finally found what to wear. It was going to be a little chilly so I decided to settle on a red lifeguard hoodie with jean shorts. Hopefully it wouldn't be too chilly for shorts. I brushed my teeth, then went on twitter to check if Curtis texted me and he did.

Blueeyedboy- Hey (y/n) don't be nervous ha ha. It'll be fine. I bet you're gorgeous.
Rozes- Ha ha. If you think that will calm me down, you're hilarious.
Blueeyedboy- Ha ha. Don't worry.
Blueeyedboy- I'm about to leave the house right now.
Rozes- Me too. How would you know who I am? Or how would I know who you are?
Blueeyedboy- What shirt are you wearing?
Rozes- It says lifeguard.
Blueeyedboy- Perfect. See you soon.
Rozes- See you soon.

I finally arrived at the library and sat at a desk. I took my math book out and placed it in front of me. I then sat there and waited for Curtis. My heart was still beating so fast. I scrolled through twitter on my phone but looked up fast when I heard the library doors open.
It wasn't Curtis.
He was tall with gorgeous blonde hair and eyes bluer than the ocean itself.
My heart started to beat so fast and my hands were numb. Lachlan right here in front of me. I couldn't believe it.
I shot up out of my seat to go say hi. He didn't see me but I was walking to him. Then I stopped when I saw Lachlan walk up to a girl and hugged her.
His lady friend.
My heart broke. My knees felt weak. I saw him look at her like she was the most amazing girl he's ever seen in his entire life.
And of course she was beautiful. With her long blonde hair and brightest blue eyes. Not too short, not to tall. She even wore a blue lifeguard hoodie better then I could wear my red one.
I weakly walked back to my seat and waited for Curtis while Lachlan and his "lady friend" sat somewhere else.
So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.
I waited until the librarian told me that she was closing.
Tears sprung in my eyes as I got up and collected my stuff. How fucking stupid of me. Get stood up by a guy I met online.
I got into my car and cried. It hurt so badly. Lachlan and Curtis.

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