Your Brothers Best Friend pt6

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Lachlan drove me to his house which wasn't far away. We actually had a lot to talk about in the car.
"I hope you don't mind that dinner is at my house... My sister says that girls like it when the guy... attempts to cook."
I laughed at the "attempts". It was cute for Lachlan to go out if his way to ask his sister for advice.
"That's nice. I do like it. You have a sister?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan nodded.
"Yeah. Her name is Jackie. She's older than me. I have a little brother too, Mitchell."
Lachlan told me. I nodded. Then we pulled into Lachlan's driveway.
"No one is home right now so you don't have to worry about the awkwardness of meeting my family yet."
Lachlan told me. I laughed and nodded. I still couldn't help but think of the fact that Lachlan said "yet."
Lachlan's house was very pretty. It was really big too. From the driveway, you could get a glance at his beautiful backyard. We finally got out of Lachlan's car and walked up to his front door.

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