Your Brothers Best Friend pt11

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Lachlan and I went waist down in the water. The water smelt salty. Lachlan dove into the water and then swam to me. I laughed and shredded away. Lachlan got up from underwater and shook his wet blonde hair.
"Really Lachlan?"
I asked and laughed. Lachlan smiled.
"I bet you thought I was a shark."
Lachlan teased. I smiled.
"No, if you were, you would look like the shark over there."
I said and pointed behind Lachlan.
Lachlan yelled and started swimming towards me. I laughed. Lachlan realized it was a joke and narrowed his eyes.
"That was cruel (Y/N)!"
Lachlan told me. I smirked. Lachlan laughed.
"You're gonna get it (Y/N)"
Lachlan told me. I laughed as Lachlan went underwater and picked me up so I was on his shoulders.
"Lachlan no!"
I screeched. Lachlan laughed.
"I'm gonna dunk you (Y/N)!"
Lachlan threatened.
"Lachlan, I swear to God if you..."
I couldn't even finish before Lachlan dunked me underwater. I swam up and saw as Lachlan was dying of laughter. I folded my arms across my chest. Lachlan smiled and slid his hands around my waist.
"I'm sorry (Y/N). It's just a joke."
Lachlan said. I smirked and backed away from his grasp. Then I slashed him with salty beach water. Lachlan laughed and splashed back. That only led to a splashing war.
Finally we both got out of the water and decided to go get ice cream. Lachlan got vanilla and I got strawberry. We sat at the beach ice cream parlour for a little while until It was sunset. When we finished eating our ice cream Lachlan turned to me and smiled.
"We have one more place to go."

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