Anonymous Friend pt3

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"(Y/N) you failed your math test again."
My math professor told me when the bell rung. I had the worlds worst math professor. He never taught, only criticized when I got the answer wrong.
I asked angrily. How could this happen again?
"Because you didn't study."
My math professor told me. Ha ha. That's funny.
"I studied all damn night! It's not my fault you don't know how to teach a damn thing!"
I cried out. My math professor narrowed his eyes.
"That's it for today. Go home (Y/N)."
Blueeyedboy- Heyyyy
Blueeyedboy- You here?
Blueeyedboy- You okay?
Rozes- Ye. Sorry I got home late from college.
Blueeyedboy- why?
Rozes- idk. Just drove around. Needed time to myself.
Blueeyedboy- Ahhh. You ok?
Rozes- Not really.
Blueeyedboy- Pokémon problems?
Rozes- Ha ha, if it could only be that simple.
Blueeyedboy- Ha ha. So what's wrong?
Rozes- Failed another math test. My professor never teaches properly. College. Sucks.
Blueeyedboy- aw :( it's okay (Y/N). Maybe study harder?
Rozes- I did... I just... can't. I don't know anything.
Blueeyedboy- I'm sorry... is there anything I can do?
Rozes- No... it's okay. Don't worry about it.
Blueeyedboy- But I care. Hm... I don't wanna sound creepy but I have a question.
Rozes- Go ahead. Don't be afraid of sounding "creepy". We're friends Curtis.
Blueeyedboy- well... I wondered if we could meet up at a library or something... since we both live in the same area. I could help you with your math.
Rozes- You'd do that?
Blueeyedboy- Yeah. If you want to?
Rozes- That would be awesome. I'd love to. You think it's time to meet each other?
Blueeyedboy- Definitely. You're a good, um, friend.
Rozes- Thanks Cutes. You are too."
Blueeyedboy- Cutes, Ha ha.
My face flushed red when I saw my typo.
Rozes- OMFG
Rozes- Curtis*
Blueeyedboy- Ha ha ha ha
Rozes- Yeah, Yeah laugh all you want. Ha ha ha
Blueeyedboy- Aw don't be embarrassed.
Rozes- Am not.
Blueeyedboy- Are to.
Rozes- Not
Blueeyedboy- to
Rozes- Not
Blueeyedboy- to
Rozes- Question.
Blueeyedboy- Shoot.
Rozes- Why Blueeyedboy?
Blueeyedboy- ?
Rozes- Why is your name Blueeyedboy?
Blueeyedboy- Oh lol. Bc I have blue eyes.
Rozes- simple as that?
Blueeyedboy- Simple as that. Do you know what I noticed about you?
Rozes- What?
Blueeyedboy- You're always looking for a deep or hidden meaning in something. You're always so curious about a person. It's like you want to take time and learn about them. You want to get to all the corners. The good and the bad. Unlike most people these days, you're not self centred. You care. And for that, I never seen you but you're beautiful. That's what I've noticed.
I started at my computer screen and re-read what Curtis sent over and over again.
Rozes- wow... Um... idk what to say...
Blueeyedboy- Ha ha it's fine. Why the name Rozes?
Rozes- Bc the song ROZES by the chainsmokers was playing while I created this username.
Blueeyedboy- Ha ha, creative.
Rozes- Thanks
Blueeyedboy- So when should we meet up?
Rozes- Next week Sunday.
Blueeyedboy. That far?
Rozes. Yup :)
Blueeyedboy- ha ha fine
Blueeyedboy- Crap, um, gtg to work. Didn't realize the time.
Rozes- lol, Alright. Talk to you soon
Blueeyedboy- Talk to you soon.

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