The Jock pt2

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Hyde was full of energy when we got into my car. She was rambling on and on about some next footy team player named Jonah.
"(Y/N) are you even listening?"
Hyde asked me. I kept my eyes on the road.
"Honestly, I lost track after you called him hot for the 7th time."
I informed Hyde. Hyde giggled.
"Sooooo... there's a Australian rules football game tomorrow night..."
Hyde started saying as I backed into her driveway. I stopped the car.
"Hyde no."
I looked at her and sternly told her. Hyde dramatically sighed.
"Puh-les (Y/N)! You never come and I really want you to go with me!"
Hyde begged me. I shook my head.
"Hyde, you and I both know that everyone there would talk to you."
I told Hyde. Hyde frowned.
"But they're not you. You're my best friend! Please?"
Hyde begged again. I hit my head against the steering wheel.
"God, Hyde fine! But you know I hate those kinds of events."
I said to her. Hyde squealed and hugged me.
"It's okay! Tomorrow we'll have fun!"
Hyde informed me, clearly exited.
"Yeah. So much fun..."

When I got home, I decided to take my dog for a walk. Well, he's a family dog but I always took care of him. He is a white lab named Cooper but he's 10 years old. He's kind of lazy around the house but he's adorable.
I took Cooper to the park that we always go to. I usually let him off leash since he's very calm. Then I heard a voice behind me.
"Hey (Y/N)."
I turned around to see Jack. Just great.
"What are you even doing here?"
I demanded. Jack looked behind him and I saw that the half of the footy team was here.
"Go. Leave me alone."
I told him. Then one of jack's friends named chad walked up to us.
"What crawled up her ass and died?"
Chad asked. Jack snorted. I rolled my eyes.
"Just please go."
I begged. Jack smirked.
"I thought sluts loved male attention."
Jack hissed. The word "slut" rang in my ears. That was one thing that I wasn't and never will be.
"Fuck You Jack!"
I snapped. Jack smirked.
"I'm sure you'd love to."
Jack spat. Chad laughed. My heart was beating rapidly, how mad I was.
"What the fuck are you boys doing?"
I heard a familiar Australian accent. I turned around to see Lachlan looking pissed off. As soon as I turned around though, jack slapped my ass. I sprang back in surprise, feeling violated. Jack and Chad laughed as tears arrived to my eyes. Lachlan stared at Jack in surprise. I had enough. I balled my fists and punched Jack in the jaw. Jack looked at me in shock. Chad gasped. Lachlan grabbed my shoulders.
"(Y/N) are you..."
I didn't let him answer. I just clipped on Cooper's leash and ran home.

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