Dear Diary pt2

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"Hey (Y/N.)"
I heard a voice call out. I was rummaging through my locker to find my History notes. I looked behind me and saw Vanessa.
Vanessa was one of the very liked girls at my school. She was very pretty... for a girl who looks like she has a cake on her face.
She hates me. I dislike her. Why does she hate me? Good question. I'm asking the same thing. 
"What do you want Vanessa?
I mumbled. Vanessa snorted.
"Hm. Looks like someone didn't take her freak pills. Fantastic. If I told you to go kill yourself, that means you'll actually do it right?"
Vanessa sneered. Vanessa found out that I took antidepressants last year. I once took them to school because I didn't have time to take it in the morning. Vanessa took my bag that day and shook it. She heard the pills jiggle and took them out.
I slammed my locker door shut.
"Leave me alone."
I ordered and walked away.
"See you in Hell Bitch."
Vanessa called back.

Dear Diary,
Vanessa Crutz is a Bitch
Maybe I should
Joking about depres-
"Suicidal people are just angles who want to go home."
History class is boring as fuck. The only exciting thing about History is seeing Lachlan but unfortunately not being able to talk to him.
Because I'm... me.
And he's Lachlan. Tall. Smart. Adorable. Funny.
Okay I think I'm drooling, I better stop.
But Any-fucking-ways i wish history class was a little bit

"What are you writing? Is that a diary? Are you for real?"
Vanessa asked me loudly. My whole History class was looking at me. My teacher left the room for a minute. Some people were snickering. My face turned pale and I closed my book right away.
I started getting dizzy as my social anxiety started acting up. My heart was racing and the room felt like it was spinning. Am I going to vomit?
I stuttered, feeling as if it was hard to speak and now breathe.
"Hm. Then let us see."
Vanessa said. The whole class was interested now.
"Vanessa leave her alone. Maybe she's doing her work unlike you. Didn't you get a D in Mrs Fritz's class last year?"
I heard a familiar Australian accent say. My heart felt as if it was about to explode as I realized it was Lachlan.
The whole class snorted. Vanessa looked a taken back. Vanessa said nothing and went to go sit back at her seat as the teacher came back in.
I looked at Lachlan. He blushed and winked at me.
He winked at me!
Or maybe I imagined it.
I blushed and focused on my book again.
I don't know what happened but I think I like it.

At the end of class, I gathered all my books and pressed them against my chest as Lachlan approached me.
Am I dreaming this?
"Are you alright?"
Lachlan asked me, his blue eyes shining. I felt nervous and my palms were sweaty (mom's spaghetti. Haha sorry.) it took a couple of seconds for me to form words.
"I uh, Ye... I should be."
I answered. Lachlan nodded and smiled.
"Okay. Just making sure."
God his smile is so adorable. And his hair... I just felt like running my hands throu... wait, did he just say something? Yes he did, crap I been starting at him. Say something (Y/N)!
"Oh. Um. Yeah. Um. Thank you."
I managed to say.
"No problem."
Then the bell rang as I turned my heel and fled before I embarrassed myself any more than I already have.

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