Boarding school pt11

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(Y/N) P.O.V
It's been a week since I left Australia and headed back home to Canada. It was freezing since it was November. It was time it should start to snow soon. I decided to go to my older brothers house and go back to my old school.
I threw my duffle bag into my old room and collapsed onto my bed. My walls were a faded baby blue and my bed was a small single bed. It feels like years have gone by without me being in this room but reality is; the last time I been here was in August. Before school started and I left to Australia.
I texted and called Lachlan but he blocked my number. He blocked me on everything and so did Mitch. I walked over to my old stuffed dog that lays on my bed. I got him when I was a baby, maybe 3 months old. I named him puppy. I hugged puppy to my chest and I let the tears roll down my cheeks again. Where did I go wrong?
Lachlan's P.O.V
It's been a week since (Y/N) left and I'm still moping around. I really thought she was different. Why would she steal from us? I thought she really liked me as I really liked her. I liked her more than I liked any girl. Why this?
My parents have been home for a week. They noticed me moping around the house and asked me what was wrong. I told them nothing was. What did they understand? That I was in love with a girl that stole?
I couldn't bring myself to make a video. My fans have been tweeting me, wondering where I am. I haven't responded yet.
I finally took my camera from my room, deciding to make a video. Fuck it, my fans shouldn't be suffering because of my problems.
I then realized that I still have footage on here with (Y/N). I uploaded it onto my computer, about to delete it.... but something stopped me. I know I shouldn't have, but I pressed play.
The camera shown (Y/N) and I. Her bright eyes looking at me with her beautiful smile. Oh god, I miss that smile. I smiled back at her, my eyes bright blue. I was about to speak but then my parents called us down. (Y/N) and I walked downstairs and it was silent. I sighed, about to delete the video when... I heard footsteps.
I looked at the camera and Mitch appeared on the screen. I crooked my head to the side. What was Mitch doing in (Y/N)'s room? I looked closer to see what Mitch was holding.
Moms pearl necklace.
He looked at the door, then unzipped
(Y/N)'s duffle bag. He threw the pearls in there, then walked away.
What. The. Fuck?
I skipped to the end where my parents left (Y/N)'s room. She started to cry while packing her things. I hated the sound of her cry. How the tears rolled down her cheeks and her nose was crinkled with her eyes puffy. She looked into the camera and shut it off. My face was red with fury.
I yelled and burst out of my room. I rattled on Mitch's door. Mitch opened it, obviously confused.
I punched him hard in the face before he could say anything.
I screamed. Mitch's eye started to turn purple and narrowed.
I yelled, about to punch Mitch again but he blocked me and punched me in the stomach. I doubled over and coughed. I then ran into Mitch, with my head ramming his stomach and my hands grabbed at his waist. Mitch banged against his wall hard. I punched him in the nose. It started to bleed. Mitch started to wheeze. My parents both barged into Mitch's room.
"What's going on?"
My fathers booming voice questioned. My mother pulled us a part, examining Mitch's purple/black eye.
"Mitch lied about (Y/N)! She never stole!"
I accused. Mitch narrowed his eyes at me.
"How do you know, asshole?"
Mitch spat. My mom gave us a warning look.
"Stop with the names, boys."
My mother warned. I looked at my father. "I have video footage of Mitch putting moms pearl necklace in (Y/N)'s bag."
I told my father. Mitch's face paled. My mom looked shocked. My father looked at me calmly.
"Show me."
And so I did.

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