Christmas pt9

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Lachlan's P.O.V
The next day, (Y/N) died.
In the middle of the night, the nurses said that the wound opened up and (Y/N) started to internally bleed. They did all they could but she was dead within minutes.
Kristan got sent to jail, I cried a whole lot.
I couldn't believe she was dead.
(Y/N) died.
My girlfriend is gone...
The funeral was held the day before Christmas Eve. Everyone looked emotionally drained, including me.
I sat in the pews, staring at the coffin. I expected (Y/N) to jump out and laugh, saying how it was all some cruel joke.
But she didn't.
And I continued to weep.

Christmas Day. (Lachlan's Dream)
(Y/N) yelled and jumped up when I arrived on her doorstep. I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and I held her up by the waist.
"Merry Christmas beautiful."
I greeted her and nuzzled my cold nose in the crock of her neck. (Y/N) squealed.
She reacted. I laughed and put her down. We went inside her house and i took off my shoes. Callie ran and greeted me at the door. She licked my hand with her sand papery tongue.
"Hey girl."
I pat her head. (Y/N) skipped to the living room as I followed her.
"We have to open presents! And I also baked some Christmas cookies for us!"
(Y/N) Informed me. I sat on the couch as the warmth of the fireplace warmed my cold cheeks. 
(Y/N) handed me a couple boxes wrapped in blue wrapping paper.
(Y/N) demanded and sat beside me. I tore open the gifts carefully.
(Y/N) bought me a bunch of nice sweaters. I loved that she did because she knew that as a youtuber, I was always too busy to go shopping at the mall.
"Thanks babe!"
I told her and kissed her lips. They tasted of peppermint from her lip balm.
"Anything for you Lachy."
(Y/N) replied. I smiled and dug out a small silver box from my pocket and handed it to her. (Y/N) smiled as she opened the box.
Inside was a promise ring.
It was silver with little emeralds on it.
"It's a promise ring."
I explained. (Y/N)'s hands flew to cover her mouth.
She softly said as I placed the ring on her left hand, 4th finger. (Y/N) examined it.
"It's so beautiful."
(Y/N) complimented me and then hugged me. Her tiny body was pressed up against mine.
"Thank you."
(Y/N) thanked me. I smiled.
I responded as Callie inched between us, trying to get in the hug. Callie licked our faces. (Y/N) giggled.
"I love you Lachy."
"I love you too, angel."

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