Anonymous Friend pt6

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~Curtis's perspective~
Blueeyedboy- Hey (y/n)!
Blueeyedboy- (y/n)?
Blueeyedboy- (y/n) why were you acting weird at the library?
Blueeyedboy- (y/n) you haven't been on twitter for 3 days. What's going on?
Blueeyedboy- (y/n) Please, you're scaring me.
Blueeyedboy- There is definitely something up.

I logged off of twitter and lay back in my chair. I didn't know what was up with (y/n). I was acting nice when I met her at the library. If anything, she definitely wasn't acting like herself. It was weird.
And now she wouldn't even go on twitter. Did I honestly do something wrong?
I didn't want to seem like a stalker but I had to find out what went wrong with
(y/n). I went on instagram and typed up "Rozes" but nothing shown. I typed up her first and last name and she finally shown up on the screen.
I clicked the follow button and waited.

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