My Best Friend pt3

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We spent the week making videos with the sidemen. We did a lot of funny challenges. Today, Vikk asked if I wanted to live stream with him. I gladly said yes. Lachlan was doing a video with Simon so why not?
"Have you ever played fortnite?"
Vikk asked me. I shrugged.
"Kind of. Lachlan shown me the basics but I never played a full game."
I admitted. Vikk laughed.
"You are going to play. I'm going to tell you how to."
Vikk told me. I smiled.
"Alright sure."
Vikk started the livestream. We laughed as I terribly failed to win the game. I was getting better as the livestream went along. After 2 hours of live-streaming, Vikk was about to end the livestream when Lachlan came in the room to see us live-streaming.
"Hey (Y/N)... I haven't seen you in a while."
Lachlan told me. Then he looked at the camera and flashed a smile.
"You two live-streaming?"
Lachlan asked Vikk. Vikk nodded. Vikk and I ended the livestream.
"So (Y/N)... wanna go get some ice cream or whatever?"
Vikk asked me. Ooo ice cream. That's an offer I didn't want to pass up. I smiled.
"Sure. That'd be nice."
I replied. Lachlan gave Vikk a sceptical look.
"Oh... I was gonna ask if (Y/N) if she wanted to play a game on the ps4... I haven't seen you all day. I miss you."
Lachlan told me, making me feel guilty. Vikk did ask me first though.
"Sorry Lachy. If you want you can come?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan shook his head.
"It's fine. I don't want to interrupt you two. I'll see you later."
Lachlan said then walked out. What was that all about?

Vikk and I ended up getting ice cream. We were at the parlour for a little while until we came back to the sidemen house. Lachlan was in the living room with the rest of the sidemen making a video. I didn't want to interrupt them so I walked slowly behind the couch but Lachlan turned back and saw me.
"Aye (Y/N)! Want to play 'would you rather' with us for a video?"
Lachlan asked me. I nodded and smiled.
I responded and sat beside Lachlan. Lachlan put his arm around me and brought me to his chest in a side hug. It surprised me but I went with it. Lachlan usually wasn't affectionate around me too much. What happened?
Vikk sat down beside JJ and then Harry continued the video.

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