Boarding school pt1

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I've always been smart.
Ever since I started school, I was addicted to getting good grades. I loved studying and then getting an A The next day. It made me feel nice.
But... this year is my 12th grade year and my parents thought that with my intelligence, I could move to one of the top high schools in Australia.
But... I live in Canada.
That means my parents sent me to live with people who took intelligent kids to live in their homes and attend high intellectual schools, that they live near to.
So I packed my bags and got sent to live with a family. Their last name is "Power" and I'm not sure who they really are. I just know that they have 2 sons. One was in my grade and the other was in 9th grade.

When I got off the plane, I clutched my suitcase handle tight. I was nervous. Why was I nervous?
I walked around the airport until I saw two blonde boys. The shorter blonde boy was raising up a white sign that said "(Y/N)" in big black bold letters. I smiled and walked up to them.
I greeted them both. The shorter boy had short blonde hair and icy blue eyes. His hair was as yellow as sunshine. The taller boy had longer blonde hair and darker blue eyes. His hair was more of a golden darker colour than his bother. I smiled at both of them but the taller boy just looked bored. The shorter boy smiled back.
"Hey. You must be (Y/N). I'm Mitch."
The shorter boy introduced himself. I smiled.
"Yeah I am. Nice to meet you Mitch."
I told him. The taller boy looked at the both of us.
"Alright. Ready to go now?"
He grumbled. Hm. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Mitch proudly responded.
"Let me take your bag."
Mitch offered. I chucked and shook my head.
"It's oka-"
"It's no big deal. I'll get it."
Mitch took my suitcase as i smiled.
"No problem. That's my older brother, Lachlan. He can be a bit moody at times."
Mitch Informed me. Lachlan looked behind  at Mitch and I.
"Mitch, I hear you."
Lachlan reminded Mitch. Mitch shrugged carelessly.
On the car ride to their house, Mitch explained how well the school was. Then he informed me that his parents aren't really home that often but when they are, everything has to be proper and neat.
Finally, we pulled up to a large modern house. They had a huge backyard with a freaking POND IN IT!!!! I looked around, admiring the view. I took my suitcase from the trunk.
"I'm going to clean the backyard in case my parents get home. Lachlan will show you to your room."
Mitch told me. I nodded.
"Alright. See you soon."
Then Mitch disappeared into the backyard. I followed Lachlan inside the house. He led me up to the second floor to a little white room. The bed was a double and there was a closet with a desk beside it.
"This is your room."
Lachlan mumbled. I nodded and set my suitcase down.
"Alright. And just letting you know, no coming into my room without permission. You hear? Also, we unfortunately share bathrooms so we're going to have a problem if you take too long of showers. I don't care if you have to do make up or hair. Don't waste my time. Got it?"
Lachlan strictly told me. I was slapped with shock and overwhelming. I couldn't force proper words from my mouth. How rude!
"Uhh- Okay."
I lamely responded. Lachlan nodded then walked out of my room.
Yeaaahhh, we are not going to get along.

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