Meet Up pt4

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"Hey... hey are you okay?"
I heard a voice. I looked up with my puffy crying eyes and saw him.
He looked so incrediblely cute. His golden blonde hair that was a little bit ruffled up from wearing his cap earlier. His perfect ski slope nose. His gorgeous blue eyes and the sunset behind him.
When I didn't answer, Lachlan sat beside me.
"I um... don't want to seem like a stalker but... I saw you and your friend having a little feud and then he walked away. Are you ok?"
Lachlan asked me. I shrugged.
"I just don't want that to ruin our friendship."
I informed Lachlan. Lachlan nodded and... wait for it... put his arm around me. I flinched in surprise. No. Bloody. Way.
"Friends fight. Yeah, sure some fights are bigger than others but you two just need some time to cool off."
Lachlan told me. I wiped my tears and nodded.
"Yeah. Thanks."
I thanked Lachlan. Lachlan smiled.
"No problem."
We sat in silence for a few seconds.
"Okay. Let's cut the shit. Why were you staring at me this whole meet up?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan have a shy smile and started to blush.
"I wanted to get to know you. You caught my eye from the very beginning. I think you're beautiful (Y/N)."
Lachlan admitted. Well, that knocked the wind out of me. I sat there in shock but somehow managed to speak again.
"Wow. Thank you Lachlan."
I managed to say. Lachlan chuckled and locked his blue eyes with mine again.
"It's the truth (Y/N)."
Lachlan and I spent the rest of the time talking and laughing. We got to learn more about each other. Just as the sun finally settled, we both heard the back door open. We looked at the door to see Preston and... Stephen.
"Oh... is that her Stephen?"
Preston asked Stephen. Stephen nodded and came running to me. I stood up.
"(Y/N) I was worried sick about you! I tried calling and texting and no answer. I'm so sorry for not believing you and saying such shitty things. I was being a self absorbed dick.
Stephen apologized and hugged me. I hugged him back.
"It's okay Stephen. I'm so sorry too."
I apologized. Stephen sighed of relief.
"My phone died. That's why I couldn't answer."
I told Stephen. Stephen nodded and ran his hand through his hair.
"Wanna go home now?"
Stephen asked me. I nodded. Then looked back at Lachlan.
"It was really nice meeting you Lachy. Thanks for making me cheer up."
I told Lachlan. Lachlan smiled.
"No problem. Look... I don't want this to be a goodbye. I really enjoyed having you around. Could I maybe get your number and I could take you out on a proper date next time?"
Lachlan asked me. I blinked in surprise as I blushed like mad.
I said. Lachlan gave me a light smile and I put my number in his phone.
Lachlan hugged me goodbye and kissed me softly in the cheek. Then he turned away to walk to the back door. Before it closed I heard Preston.
"Ooo Lachy's making a move."
Then the door closed. I laughed. I turned to look at Stephen who was smirking. Stephen put his arm around me.
"Tonight you're telling me everything."

Lachlan Fanfics Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora