Sisters Ex Boyfriend pt4

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Katrina was already done eating when I arrived, so it made it less awkward.
When I was done eating, my phone started to ring with messages.
Lachlan- Hey
I walked to my room, shut the door and flopped onto my bed. I texted Lachlan back.
Me- Hey Lachy
Lachlan- So... About today...
Me- Regretting it?
I held my breath when I saw the 3 text bubble dots.
Lachlan- No,no. It was very nice actually.
I sighed of relief.
Lachlan- Do you regret it?
Me- No. Not at all.
Lachlan- Did you tell Katrina?
Me- No
Lachlan- Are you going to?
Me- It's not like I have to... We aren't a couple and Kat isn't the first person I go to for help, that's for sure.
Lachlan- Oh yeah... right.
Me- Lachlan, do you still love my sister?
Lachlan- Who says I loved her in the first place?
Me- Idk... I just assumed...
Lachlan- *sigh... no. Not anymore.
Me- Gud 2 know.
Lachlan- That was a while ago (Y/N)
Me- Ik
Lachlan- Maybe I like you.
Me- Maybe?
Lachlan- Okay. I like you.
Me- that's quick, isn't it?
Lachlan- Who says I've only been interested now?
Me- Well, you were dating my older, more better looking sister.
Lachlan- What do you mean by that?
Me- Although Katrina is the most heartless girl to ever live, She's gorgeous. Her long silky black hair, blue/grey eyes and pimple-less face is no match for me. I am just her little sister.
Lachlan- Don't say that (Y/N). You're beautiful.
Me- Uh-huh. Look Lachy, I'm going to be straight up with you and tell you that I've liked you for the longest time. That means I had a tiny crush on you while you were still with my sister.
Lachlan- Wow. Really?
Me- Really. 
Lachlan- I always knew you were beautiful. It was easy to see. I also knew that you were a good person and always up for something fun. When I saw you at Best Buy, I had to take my shot.
Me- Well your Shot ended up with you and me on the couch with each other's tongues down our throats.
Lachlan- Ha ha, sorry. I kinda lost all self control there
Me- I could say the same.
Lachlan- Will you ever tell Kat?
Me- If we ever become a couple... I guess she'll have to figure it out on her own.
Lachlan- Aren't you scared though? I'm kinda Katrina's ex boyfriend.
Me- Scared? Please Lachy. Katrina has been doing the same fucked up shit to me for years. We never got along.
Lachlan- I'm sorry to hear.
Me- It's whatever. It's the truth.
Me- But anyways, I would like to see you again
Lachlan- Same with you.
Me- I work until 5:30 tomorrow.
Lachlan- Come over at 6:30?
Me- Would love to.

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