Summer Camp pt6

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Before the dance, the girls rushed around to get ready. They were applying their makeup, putting on their best dresses. It was a little too extra to me but whatever.

I didn't really have a dress to wear so I put on jean shorts and a white tank top. That'll have to do for today I guess.

One by one, the boys started knocking on our cabin door to take their dates out. The counsellors has to go down to the dance already because they had to chaperone it.

Every time where was a knock, I would see if it was Lachlan but it wasn't.

After 10 minutes, the last girl left my cabin with her date.
I was the only one left.
What was taking Lachlan so long?

So I waited.
And waited.
And waited.

After 10 more minuets of waiting, I left the cabin by myself. I walked to the dance and looked into the window of the dining hall that transformed into a dance.

Lachlan was dancing with Serena.

Hot tears welled up in my eyes.

So Lachlan stood me up.


I ran to the lake front and sat down in front of the lake. I let my tears fall down into the lake until I heard a voice.

A males voice said. I didn't respond. Then someone sat next to me. I looked and it was Preston.
"What is such a beautiful girl doing here alone?"
Preston asked me. HA! Beautiful? I snorted. I had enough.
"Beautiful? Really? Don't tell me I have a beautiful face, a beautiful body or a beautiful personality. Beautiful girls aren't alone. Beautiful girls don't spend Friday nights by themselves. Beautiful girls don't have trouble making friends. Beautiful girls... don't spend a dance alone at a lake because she got stood up."
I snapped. I covered my face with my hands. Preston put his hand on my shoulder.
"(Y/N) of course you're beautiful. Don't ever tell me you're not. Who in the right mind will stand you up?"
Preston asked me while rubbing my back.
"Lachlan." I replied. Preston stopped for a split second.
"Lachy? Really?"
Preston asked, shocked. I dug out Lachlan's note from my pocket and handed it to Preston. Preston read it. He looked mad.
"I'm going to talk to him right now."
Preston informed me and stood up.
"Preston no! Please!"
I begged but Preston shook his head.
"No girl deserves this (Y/N). Stay here."
I couldn't reply because Preston already stormed off to the dance.

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