Meet Up pt3

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There was only a couple more hours of the event so Stephen and I spent it playing random video games. Stephen wasn't much of a gamer but he was sure as hell fun to play with.
Though, I noticed that every time I walked past the meet up booth, Lachlan would look at me with his piercing blue eyes and smirk at me. It made my heart flutter as I shyly looked down every time.
After the 4th time of Lachlan doing it, I finally told Stephen.
"Stephen, I kid you not, Lachlan keeps staring at me and smirking every time we walk by."
I told Stephen once we walked past the booth... again. Stephen smiled and pat the top of my head.
"Yeah. Sure honey."
Stephen said to me, obviously not believing me.
"No Stephen, I'm serious. He keeps doing it and..."
I started but got interrupted.
"You have a very creative imagination."
Stephen told me. I sighed.
"Stephen, I'm not kidding. He keeps staring and smiling. Lachlan has been looking at me and smiling all day, I have no idea..."
I started saying but got interrupted... again.
"(Y/N), I know you really want to get noticed by Lachlan... but it's really rare and your mind just keeps playing games with you. Sorry hon. You're just another fan in Lachlan's eyes. Anyways, I want to go talk up that cute boy over there."
Stephen said to me. I got irritated though. Why wasn't Stephen listening to me? I looked over at the booth to see Lachlan looking at me... again!
Stephen grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. I stopped though.
"No Stephen. I'm sick of this. Every time I tell you that a boy MIGHT be interested in me, you say he isn't and for me to just... just disregard it. Lachlan isn't 'just a boy' to me and you know how I feel about him but still choose to ignore what I'm saying!"
I blurted out. I was fed up with it. Stephen narrowed his eyes.
"C'mon (Y/N) seriously? As if Lachlan would be interested in a fan. Grow up
(Y/N). I only say that those boys aren't interested because you make a big deal out of everything. Not every guy that looks at you is in love with you (Y/N)"
Stephen raised his voice. I felt like I just got slapped in the face. Stephen and I rarely ever fight and it's never as bad at this... us raising our voices at each other.
"Whatever Stephen, I'm so done with you walking all over me."
I told him. Stephen rolled his eyes.
"And I'm so done with you acting like a 10 year old."
Stephen said to me and walked alway. Once Stephen was far gone, my eyes started to fill with tears. There was only an half an hour left in the event and most people were already starting to leave. I ran out the back door to sit against the building and hide my face in my hands, as tears started pouring down my cheeks. Stephen and I never fought like this before and it sure hurt more than anything.

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