Boarding school pt6

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By the end of the week, it was no doubt that Lachlan AND Mitch were completely ignoring me. The only time Lachlan wasn't ignoring me is when he made rude comments about me not washing the dishes right away or putting the garbage out.
While Mitch was at soccer, I decided to take advantage of that and take a shower.  I'm pretty sure Lachlan was also out. The warm water felt nice against my skin.
Finally, I turned off the water and dried my hair. I wrapped a white fluffy towel around my body when the door flung open.
Lachlan appeared, then looked at me naked with just a towel covering me.
Lachlan cursed and shut the door. I felt anger burst out from the inside of me. I swing the door open. Lachlan looked at me with a shocked expression, but I could see his eyes trailing down me.
"Lachlan, what the fuck?"
I demanded. Lachlan put his hands up in surrender.
"Chill, (Y/N)! I didn't know!"
Lachlan said. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away but he grabbed me by my waist and spun me around. Now, I was facing him, my palms flat against his chest.
Lachlan muttered and bent down to kiss me...
I melted in his kiss. I kissed him back, hard. I opened my mouth and let his tongue trail inside. He pushed me up against the bathroom wall. I moved my hands up his shirt and started running my hands along his back. My towel fell down as Lachlan's hands reached to cup my breast. I wondered if he could feel my fast heartbeat? He probably can. I then started to kiss his neck, trailing kisses on his collarbone up to his neck and back to his collarbone. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. Lachlan kept his right hand on my breast while his left lay on my hip. I made my way back up to his lips and started kissing his lips repeatedly.
Finally, I realized who this is and what I'm doing.
I pulled away from him. Lachlan looked at me confused, but his eyes still focused on my chest. I reached for my underwear and shorts on the counter and slipped them on.
Lachlan innocently asked.
"No! You've been ignoring me for a week! You can't just barge in and try to make out with me!"
I exclaimed. Lachlan sighed and gave me a 'get real with me' look.
"You want me just as much as I want you. Just admit it, (Y/N)!"
Lachlan told me. I could see him having trouble focusing on my face without a shirt. I started clipping my bra on.
"No. You're a stuck up jerk, Lachlan! You treat me like total crap ever since I came here! You think you're too good for anyone."
I fought back. Lachlan's eyes turned angry.
"What the fuck do you mean? So I was a little tough on you the first couple of days, okay. But I kissed you in the garage then see you chatting it up with Curtis AND THEN kissing my little brother in the hallway."
Lachlan fumed. I narrowed my eyes.
"Oh, WOW! The great Lachlan Power kissed me! What do you want me to do? Bow down to you? Be your little peasant who you can keep treating like shit but then kiss later?"
I raised my voice and put on my shirt. Lachlan looked at me stone faced.
"God forbid a guy actually puts himself out there for you, (Y/N)!"
Lachlan argues. I snorted.
"You did not, Lachlan. You never liked me! I'm just a person with boobs that randomly lives with you, and you get stuck up in your hormones! What does it matter to you?"
I called him out. Lachlan looked ranged.
"Of course you think that! 'Why does it matter'? It matters to me because maybe I did like you! If anything it doesn't matter to you because you're a slut, (Y/N)! A fucking whore!"
Lachlan's words slapped me. I saw his face instantly soften once he realized what he said. Tears stung my eyes, I held them back. I didn't want Lachlan to see me cry.
"No... (Y/N) I didn't mean-"
I shoved past him and went into my room. I slammed the door in response.

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