The Jock pt3

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I ran home and put ice on my knuckles. That punch was hard and it hurt like hell. I quickly called Hyde.
Hyde sang. I just got straight to the point.
"I sucker punched Jack!"
I blurted out. Hyde gasped.
"(Y/N) why?"
Hyde asked shocked. I explained to Hyde what's been happening and that it's year 9 all over again. Hyde huffed.
"I'm going to tell Jonah to tell Jack to knock it off."
Hyde told me, obviously furious. I shook my head even though Hyde couldn't see me doing it.
"Hyde no. Hopefully he just stays away. I hate dealing with his shit."
I informed Hyde. Hyde sighed.
"No (Y/N) he took it too far now. I have to do something."
Hyde pushed.
"Things should be fine now Hyde, I promise I'll be okay. Don't tell Jonah. It will just cause a big deal."
I told Hyde.
"Fine (Y/N) but if it happens again then I am."

The next day at school, I didn't see Jack anywhere at all. Thank the lord! But I saw Lachlan while I was going to my locker and he was coming right to me.
"Hey (Y/N)."
Lachlan greeted me casually, like him and I actually talking is completely normal.
"Yes Lachlan?"
I asked, impatiently.
"Are you okay from yesterday? That looked like a hard hit and..."
Lachlan started to say but I interrupted.
"Yeah, whatever, don't you have a class to get to?"
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan looked at me a little sadly with his ocean blue eyes.
"Yeah. I was just wondering if you're okay (Y/N). Jack could be a jerk a lot of the time if I'm being completely honest."
Lachlan told me. I rolled my eyes. I know where this is going. Lachlan doesn't care about me. He probably just wants to get close to me so he could get to Hyde. Many guys try to do that to me. I learned that the hard way in year 9.
"Look Lachlan, if you're doing this to get in Hyde's pants, I'm sorry but it ain't working and it's never going to work. I suggest you talk to her yourself and leave me the fuck alone."
I ranted and closed my locker. Lachlan looked surprised and a little hurt.
"I'm not... God no (Y/N). I don't care what you think of me already but I'm not like that."
Lachlan informed me seriously. I nodded and locked my locker.
"Yeah alright. I gotta get to class."
I told him, trying to walk around him but Lachlan grabbed my arm lightly.
"Are you coming to the party tonight?"
Lachlan asked me with hope in his eyes. I smiled.
Then I brushed past him and made my way to class.

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