Your Brothers Best Friend pt8

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After dinner, Lachlan decided it would be nice to go out for a movie. We got inside his car again and drove to the movie theatre. Lachlan turned up the radio once a Drake song started to play. Lachlan them started talking about how he once went to go see Drake live in Toronto once with his friend Rob. Drake wasn't my favourite, nor did I hate him. I like some of his music I guess. Lachlan and I talked about music until we finally got to the theatre.
There was a lot of people at the movie theatre.
We waited in line for 20 minuets just to get a ticket. We decided to see the avengers. My favourite superhero is spider-man so I couldn't wait to see it.
Lachlan and I sat on the very top as the previews started. I felt a popcorn being thrown at me. I looked to see Lachlan grinning.
"Ha, very mature."
I said and threw a piece of popcorn back. That only started a mini popcorn fight until we had to stop because the theatre was getting full.
Finally, the movie started. Halfway through the movie though, I felt Lachlan slowly put his arm around me. He looked a little shy and nervous. I lay my head on his shoulder, showing him that this was okay. We stayed like that for the rest of the movie.
At the end of the movie, we walked out of the theatre. Lachlan had his hand in mine as we talked about how good the movie was. I was in the middle of talking when Lachlan stopped.
I asked Lachlan. Lachlan looked shocked. I looked straight and saw my brother looking right at Lachlan and I.

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