The house in the forest pt4

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Lachlan and I jumped off the sofa bed. Lachlan got the candle and took my hand. We both slowly walked to the front door.
"What happened?"
I worriedly asked. Lachlan shrugged. I placed my hand on the doorknob and tried twisting it.
It didn't open.
"Um... Lachlan..."
Lachlan then started to try and open the door.
It wouldn't budge.
"Someone locked us in."
I pointed out. My skin was full of goosebumps. Lachlan put his free arm around my shoulders.
"(Y/N) it's going to be fine. Maybe it was just the wind?"
Lachlan suggested. I shuttered.
"I don't think so."
I responded. Then we heard a faucet turn on.
How? What?
Lachlan took my hand and squeezed it.
"Who turned the water on?"
I questioned. Lachlan shrugged.
"Let's go check."
Lachlan replied. We slowly walked into the kitchen. It was an old fashioned kitchen. The counters were dusty and the cupboards were wooden and rotting. The floors looked like they haven't been washed in years.
And the tap was on.
Lachlan and I walked up to the tap. It didn't look like water was coming out...
I dipped my finger in the running... um... liquid. It felt warm. I took my finger out and it was soaked... with red on my finger.
"It's blood!!!"
I yelped and dried my finger on a rag that was left on the counter. The rag was stained red from my finger. Lachlan quickly shut it.
"Okay, it's okay babe. Maybe... there's just something wrong with the sewage system."
Lachlan suggested. I lightly smacked his arm.
"Stop bring in denial Lachlan! This house is haunted!"
I raised my voice. I was scared and stressed. I didn't usually snap at Lachlan, I always felt bad for doing it but we were in a scary situation.
"Okay, Okay, sorry babe. We'll try to get out of here. Let's try looking for escape routes upstairs."
Lachlan offered. I sighed and nodded. Lachlan kissed my cheek then we started to find the stairs.

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