Dear Diary pt7

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I tried everything. Texting sorry, calling sorry, so I drove to Lachlan's house. I put on a black cardigan with a grey V-Neck t-shirt paired with tight black leggings. Perfect.
I knocked on the door and his mom opened up.
"Oh hi (Y/N)!"
Lachlan's mom greeted me happily. I smiled sweetly.
"Hi Mrs Power. Is Lachlan home?"
I asked Mrs Power. She nodded.
"Yes. He's upstairs. You know the way."
Mrs Power stepped aside and let me in. I hopped up the stairs and knocked on Lachlan's bedroom door.
I heard Lachlan call out. I heard his ps4 controller clicking and his t.v making sounds. He's probably playing rocket league.
I opened the door then closed it behind me. He glanced at me, surprised. Then he focused back to his game.
"What are you doing here?"
Lachlan demanded. I sighed and walked up in front of his t.v. He moved his head to see his t.v screen.
"(Y/N) this is a bad time."
Lachlan muttered. Hm. Not working. Now some contact.
I took my cardigan off revealing my v- neck shirt that shown a lot of cleavage. Lachlan didn't even look.
Well... I just have to try harder.
I walked up to Lachlan and sat on his lap, facing his face.
"(Y/N) what are you doing?"
Lachlan demanded although I saw his eyes hover over my exposed skin for a second.
Lachlan leaned over to see his screen. I then came close to him so he could feel my hot breath on his neck.
Lachlan sighed, trying to keep it cool. I then pressed my lips against his neck. I kept kissing and sucking on his neck until
Lachlan gave in. He dropped his controller and started kissing my lips. I then stood up and walked to his bed and sat on it. Lachlan looked annoyed.
"(Y/N) what the heck? You can't just tease me like that!"
Lachlan informed me. I shrugged.
"I didn't know if you forgive me or not?"
I asked. Lachlan sighed and walked up to me. He put his hand on my knee.
"I just want us to be honest with each other."
Lachlan told me. I nodded.
"I know Lachy but ignoring me doesn't help."
I said. Lachlan hung his head.
"I know I'm sorry."
Lachlan apologized.
"It's okay."
I forgave him. Lachlan smirked and pushed me down on his bed. Before I kissed him, I whispered.
"I love you lachy, I really do."
Lachlan kissed me softly.
"I love you too (Y/N)."

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