Summer Camp pt1

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I sat on my bunk bed reading. My parents sent me to an over night camp for the summer. I was excited but very shy. The girls in my cabin weren't shy at all. They connected right away when we first arrived here 3 weeks ago.
The girls were writing a hot list. A hot list is when the girls would gather around and write a list of all the cute boys at camp. I still sat at the top of the bunk bed too shy to speak and didn't really care about any of the immature camp boys, although everyone was 16 and all the girls wanted a summer boy.
I could honestly care less.
The girls were happily chatting when a girl named Selena called me out.
"Hey (Y/N) any guy catch your eye?"
Selena asked me. I shook my head.
"Not really."
I said In a quiet voice.
"How about Lachlan? Ugh, he's adorable."
Another girl piped up. All the girls gushed and wrote him name down.
I sighed and got off the top bunk bed to sit around with the girls.
"Who is Lachlan?"
I asked, just to be a part of the conversation.
"I don't think he's that cute because he's my brothers friend but he's nice. He has golden blonde hair and bright blue eyes."
A nice girl named Keeley told me.
"Who's your brother?"
I asked out of curiosity.
"He's cute too! His name is Preston!"
Selena gushed. Keeley looked disgusted.
"Gross Selena. That's my brother!"
Keeley told Selena. Selena giggled. I knew Preston. I once did a craft with him.
The girls went on and on about camp boys . I honestly zoned out until the bell rung for lunch time.

I sat at our cabin lunch table like always as Preston came up to Keeley.
"Someone told me I was on your hot list."
Preston proudly said to Keeley. Keeley wrinkled her nose.
Keeey lied. Keeley and Preston kept going on until a tall blonde boy with the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen walked up beside Preston.
"You have to come back to the cabin table."
The blonde boy told Preston. Preston shrugged it off.
"Wait Lachlan, I'm asking Keeley something."
Preston told him (Lachlan I'm guessing.) Lachlan rolled his eyes and looked at me.
"Is he on your hot list?"
Lachlan asked me. I was surprised a boy this good looking was even talking to me.
"I'm not sure if I could tell you."
I admitted. Lachlan chuckled.
"Your first time here I'm guessing?"
Lachlan asked me. I smiled.
"Lucky guess."
I told him. Lachlan beamed.
"So you know what the hot list is?"
Lachlan asked me. I nodded.
"Uh, yeah. The girls in my cabin were writing it but I honestly wasn't really playing attention."
I shyly told Lachlan. Lachlan laughed.
"Ahh. What the girls don't know is that the boys have a hot list too."
Lachlan informed me. I was surprised. I thought only the girls did that.
I asked. Lachlan nodded.
"Yeah. You might be on it too."
Lachlan told me and winkled! My cheeks flushed at his wink but before I could reply, Preston was dragging Lachlan to leave.
I guess Preston got his answer.
Lachlan left and I was still left surprised. I shook the feeling away quickly though. They were all just immature camp boys anyway.

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